Chapter 5

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That was my thoughts as I dragged myself out of the bed.

Today, my first class was English. With Liam. Can't say I was looking forward to that. I still can't believe he got over that Sophia-girl that fast. I was still coping here. Why did I even care? He should be with someone else, he should get over that girl, I do not care.

I tried to keep him out of my mind while I was doing my makeup, hair and got dressed for school, but failed miserably.

But at last, I was ready for school.

"Hey, lazyhead, you better be out of bed, or else!" Sam yelled from downstairs.

"Yeah yeah, I'm done! Are you driving? Or should I?" I yelled while walking down to her.

"I can drive today, you always drive!"

"Oi, you don't have to shout, I'm right here." I teased her when I reached the kitchen.

"Oh... Well, let's go!" She said as perky as ever.

I walked through the doors to our classroom, and there he sat. In our usual seats, as always. When I came closer he looked up and a smirk formed itself on his face. When I was a few feet away someone took my hand.

"Hey, Sasha, come sit here?" John, I think his name is, said with a grin.

"Oh, okay" I said and shot Liam an apologising smile.

"I know this may seem weird, we haven't talked at all, but I really want to get to know you. You seem really sweet!" He said, I was hoping he would introduse himself soon so that I could know what his name really was.

"I'm Jason, by the way" Oh well, almost.

"Hey, I'm Sasha, but I guess you already knew that?" I said and he nodded.

"Hello, class. So today we are starting with something knew. We're gonna start a project about media. Here's a paper about what I'm expecting, and it's two and two, so partner up! This is a bit different from what we usually do, but I hope you'll like the idea." He said and ran his hand through his dark, beautiful hair. Wait what? He's my teacher, what am I thinking?

"Sasha?" Jason waved his hand in front of my face.

"What?" I said and he smiled.

"I asked if we should be partners?"

"Oh, okay" I said and looked over my shoulder. Liam looked at me, with... A hurt expression? I felt bad, but I couldn't just say no to Jason either. I guess I'll have to talk to Liam afterwards.

"So, I guess we'll start with..." Jason said, but I'd tuned out and just nodded and said "mm" when it was appropriate.

"Hey, I'm sorry, he asked me and I couldn't say no" I started our conversation.

"It's okay, Lara asked me, so I'm partner with her" but he didn't look okay. He looked a bit off today, to be honest.

"Oh, well then.. I have to go! I have a class in five minutes." I said and turned on my heels.

"Wait, Sash!" I heard Liam yell but I kept on walking, I couldn't come late again.

I rushed through the doors and slumped down in the first free seat. Beside some cute guy with brown hair.

"Hello, I'm Louis." They guy beside me said to me and raised his hand for me to shake.

"Hi,nice to meet you, Louis. I'm Sasha" I answered and shook his hand. He had smooth, delicate hands, whereas mine's not delicate and soft.

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