2. How lovely, are the sounds of the piano.

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It was 9:52pm, in the Arizona apartment, The big Purple walls, and the red bookshelf, with back to back, 'Lying game', 'How to be a mother, to a homeless father' That book she actually bought as a joke, but ended up enjoying it.  On the piano sat a big, nice book, Emily's favorite book. 'Where you'll find me' written by Natasha Friend. Emily loved her book, and it only took her a half a day to read, for the past year, Emily has suffered from depression, Anxiety, and type 1 cancer.

Emily sat down at a black stool, lifted up a purple lid, and put her sheet music down on the top of the Piano. She cracked her knuckles. She placed her fingers, onto the piano. And away she went, playing one of her favorite pieces, 'When I look at you' By Miley Cyrus. She began to sigh, and get a little upset, which made her stop a bit through, the third verse. She got a tissue, and cleaned her tears, when someone walked through the front door. Mason.

''Hey Emily'' Mason smiled, dropping his keys in the key bowl. Emily smiled, ''Hey''

''You've been crying, haven't you?'' Mason asked, touching her hand. She nodded, ''I'm just... missing home, my friends, my old life...'' Emily said

''Are you missing Jake?'' Mason asked

Emily looked up, her lips quivered, ''And the girls too'' Emily said, looking down at her feet. Mason gave her a kiss on the cheek, and walked over to the fridge, and got a beer. He opened it, and turned to Emily. ''You know I hate hearing about those scum bags!''

Emily looked shocked... ''What?'' She interrupted. ''What did you just call... My family?''

''Family?'' Mason asked, 'They are not family to you! At all!''

''Actually, Jake is the love of my life... and those girls, those girls are my daughters, who need me, and want me in their life, but I left Mason, I left for you'' Emily said

''You didn't leave for me'' Mason said, 'You left because those maggot losers abandoned you''

''My friends are not maggot losers, Mason! Your not meaning this''

''I am Emily, your as much of a loser, as they are!'' Mason yelled

''I thought you loved me!'' Emily said, ''Where did the happy Mason go that was here when we met!'' Emily screamed. In tears

''HE'S GONE!'' Mason screamed throwing his beer, at the wall behind Emily, she jumped. ''Do you not see, you little bitch, that you need me!''

''No Mason, I don't!'' Emily said, fearful, but brave.

Mason grabbed onto her wrist tight, twisting it, She screamed in pain. 'STOP YOUR HURTING ME!'' She cried trying to pull it away, He put his hand to her jaw, and made her look at him.

''I own you'' Mason said, she kneed him in the nuts, and he fell down, She kicked him in the stomach, and began to cry. ''I'm not your bitch!'' Emily yelled grabbing her book, By Natasha friend. He grabbed her hair, but she swung around and smacked the book off his face, making him collapse, She reached into the knife drawer, and pulled out the biggest one she could find. He ran at her, but stepped back.

''Whoa, Put it down... PUT IT DOWN!'' Mason screamed. ''NOW!''

''No...'' Emily said shaking, ''Come closer, and ill stab you!''

''That's murder!'' Mason said

''IT'S SELF DEFENSE!'' She yelped.

Mason ran at Emily, and she kicked him in the knee, and pushed him over, he fell down a thing of stairs, she ran to the bedroom, and locked the door behind her. She looked around, and grabbed a travel bag, and opened it. She grabbed her MacBook pro, and threw it in. She got a pile of her lyric sheets for the piano, and put it in. She got her dress, Jake bought her in cuba, it was her favorite dress, and she got a bunch of her cloths, put her book into it, got her charger, and a few other things, and stuffed them into the bag. Mason ran and banged on the door.

''Open up Emily'' Mason yelled, she looked around, he kicked on the door. She looked around, there was no escape... Wait, there was.

Emily ran to the window, and opened it. She jumped out, and fell over, onto the roof. She slid down, and banged off the little roof. The knife sliced her knee, but she stood anyways. She looked into the house, and saw Mason smash the door down, he ran to the window and jumped out, She looked ahead of her, and staggered, than jumped at a tree branch, It cracked, and she wobbled on it. It cracked even more. Mason got on after her. She looked back, and threw the knife, almost falling off. The knife cut Mason's arm. She got to the tree, and hugged it tight, smacking the branch, Mason's weight made it crack even more. He reached for Emily, and she screamed. The branch snapped, and he fell, grabbing Emily's sweat shirt, she fell, but grabbed a branch, Emily pushed Mason off, and he fell down, smacking his back off the ground, He started crying from the pain. ''Good'' Emily yelled, she dropped her bag, which smashed him in the head, than she let go of the branch, falling on top of Mason, ''That was really.. Really fun' She said, kicking him in the gut, and ran with the bag.

She made it to a local bus station, and got onto the bus, going to Thornhill. From there it was only 4 hours from JoyVille where Jake still lived, he moved back after ''That night''

She pulled her laptop out of the bag, and opened it up to her emails, she has three new ones. Unread. They were from Clair, Jake's younger sister, One from Jake, and one from her boss at the pianist company.

Emily opened her boss's right away. ''WHERE ARE YOU! YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO BE HERE AN HOUR AGO!''

''I'm so, sorry. Miss Coola, my boyfriend beat me up, and... I ran, i'm leaving Arizona, I wont be able to be in, for a while, Ill be in contact, I'm really sorry. I hope... you can forgive me'' Emily wrote.

Emily opened Clair's, it was two attachments, of the girls, it was two photos. Emily smiled, ''I'm coming home...''

She opened Jake's, and read it.

''Hey, Em, I'm just wondering when you're coming back to town, the girls miss you, and Lizzy just recently started grade 1, I know, it feels like yesterday that she was born, she asks about you a lot, and she questions who Quinn is, I try to explain it my best, I do. And I miss you, I do. But I think its good that were taking time away, like actually away, after what happened in Cuba. Anyways, Annie wrote you a letter today, she got a hair cut, its the length Chloe's was when we were in Lane Ridge. I know I'm probably making this longer than it should be, but we miss you. I know you probably hate me, for dating Quinn, but.... Just, please call, or reply. I'd love to talk... and catch up!''  She typed back.

''Jake, my love. It's Emily, I'm on my way back... and I don't care what we agreed on last year, I'm depressed, I'm emotionally unstable, i'm a wreak, and I have cancer. I'm on my way home. My ex-boyfriend as of tonight, Mason. He beat me, and tried to kill me. I miss Liz, and Annie. Tell them I love them, please. Can you do that? I miss you too, more than you'll ever know. I do love you, and I miss us... I wanna be with you, especially since I have no one... literally, not Selene, not Brynn, or Chloe. Or even Kenzie. Ella, they still haven't found her body, and I don't have her... she's gotta be dead. I don't hate you, and yes I remember Chloe's hair from Lane-Ridge, it was the best hair in the school, she made Orianna, and I look like idiots. Your email wasn't long enough, I love hearing from you! And I don't hate you for dating Quinn, how could I? I understand why you ended us.... and got with her, I do get it. Ill call when I get to Thornhill... Maybe you can pick me up.. with Quinn if you'd like. I cant wait to see you, I love you Jake... Forever and Always, Remember? Xoxo -Em''

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