21. The choice

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''Em, Wait!'' Jake called, she turned, and walked up to him, she kissed him, for a good minute. 'Tell me to my face that you don't love me, or miss me, or miss this''

''Emily... I.. I do-''

They were cut off by an unexpected noise, Jake turned, and so did Emily. A car was across the road, the windows were tinted, but Jake could sense someone watching. Seconds later, the window smashed. ''Ah!'' Emily screamed, Jake threw her, and himself to the ground, as a bullet swung past and smashed through Jake's door. He looked at Emily, who hit her head, which caused her to have a bit of blood, but she brushed it off, Jake pulled her to the fence, so they would be out of sight.

''What the fuck was that!'' Emily asked, holding Jake's hand. Jake heard an engine, than he peeked up, and the car was gone, Poof.

Jake helped Emily to her feet, ''Listen Em, please'' Jake said, holding her hand, ''I love Quinn, really do... but your right, I do miss you... I miss us...'' He said looking into her blue eyes, ''Quinn may be my love right now, but Em, Jemily is endgame, it always has been, since Orianna died..'' Jake said than kissed her.

'So what's this mean?....'' Emily asked,

''This means that.... I choose you'' Jake smiled, She hugged him tight, and kissed him. ''Jakey! I knew you'd pick me'' She smiled than Jake spun her around. Quinn came out the door, and threw the ring at Jake.

'Fine, get your way Bitch!'' Quinn said than walked out of the gate.

Emily giggled than turned back to the house with Jake, and they closed the door.

Three weeks later.

Jake sat in a classroom, sitting at the front desk. ''So today students, we're going to be reading a book, 'Thornhill' Jake said, ''It's a book, me and my... My best friend wrote, on our lives'' Jake said ''Open to page one please'

Jake turned to the chalk board, and began to write, three questions. ''Who are the two main characters. The love interests, and to write a sum up, on the first two chapters.'

After about 20 minutes passed, the bell rang, and the students left the class. Jake walked over to the chalk board, and started to erase the words, when Emily ran into the class room. ''She's coming for you'' Emily said, Jake turned, Brynn ran into the room, 'We're here to get you out before she come's Jake'' She said

Chloe entered, ''We came back for you Jake, so move it!'' She said, than Selene ran into the room. ''It's to late, She's already here''... Jake's face went pale,

''What do you mean.. She's here?'' Jake asked.

''She found us, Ok Jake, she's here to kill us, We had the chance to leave... and now, Now were screwed!'' Brynn said.

''Why is she here!'' Jake asked

''REVENGE!'' Emily yelled, walking over and taking his hand. The shiny diamond ring was on her finger, as Jake and Her got engaged two nights after Quinn left for good.

''What do we..'' Jake said but than heard a bullet ring through the halls.

''Stack the desk's!'' Selene said, pushing a desk against the door, they all stacked the desk's at the door, to barricade it.

'What do we do now?' Jake asked

'We either hide, run, or stay and fight' Chloe said ''it's our only options''

Their were pounding smacks on the door, ''Jake, I know your here, now OPEN UP!''

''Get out'' Jake yelled ''We are no longer in contact, we no longer need to speak, I've chosen now leave!''

''NO!'' She yelled, kicking the door, and after a few powerful kicks, the desk tumbled, and the girl smashed through the door, aiming the gun at Jake. ''One of you aren't leaving tonight, and I promise, Jake will be the one dead..'' She smiled spinning the gun on her finger.

''Now who wants to fight first?''

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