13. Water

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Everything went blank for Jake for a second. No one was around for miles, No one knew that Jake and Emily were sub-merged in water, For that moment in time, Jake had no plan, Jake went to sit up, but as soon as he opened his eyes, they closed, and his body smashed against the door, Emily lifted him close than sat up, as water started to get in more, she was cold, and the water was ice cold, if they didn't die from drowning, they'd die of hypothermia. ''Help, Please'' Emily cried banging on the walls, she tried to call for the people who took them, but one was dead in the seat, and the other was gone. She tried to break through the door, but the water pressure was to strong, if she could get to the front seat, she could probably smash open the wind shield.

Cars drove by, but didn't care, or notice that they were in the water. Emily started to shiver, and she lied down beside Jake's unconscious body, She wrapped her arms around him, and hugged him, maybe that could keep them warm, for a bit longer, Their were boxes under the seat, which slid near where the water was coming in. She opened one, and inside was a small blanket, and heat warmers, she quickly wrapped the blanket on Jake, his lips were almost purple. And she heated the heat pad warmers, ''Jake, come on, don't die on me please''

She lied and held him close, rubbing her hands on his arms to keep him warm, ''Jakey?'' She asked shivering, she tried to keep herself from shivering, but it was to cold not too. She tried to stand, but she fell, But something in her pocket smashed her hip, She quickly pulled out a cell phone, Genius!  She unlocked it, and saw the temperature was -5 degrees Celsius. It was so fucking cold that they would die of hypothermia soon if they didn't escape. Jake was so cold, that his body was probably already shutting down. She needed to do something, where even were they, who took them, what's gonna happen, is their anyone around, does anyone care, was it possible that Jake was faking this? No, that's crazy, isn't it? Emily's thoughts went crazy. For the first time, she didn't care about herself, she wanted to die, if it meant keeping Jake alive, than she'd take it. She loves him, so much.

Emily went to calling, and dialed 911, her phone buzzed, 20% left. Fuck, She called, and it dialed. ''911''

''Officer! Operator, I don't know, track this number! Please! Someone kidnapped me and my ex, and were drowning, were trapped in a car and need help! Please'' Emily cried, but before the operator could respond, her phone made a glitch , and hung up. ''No service'' The screen read. Just what they needed. She kissed Jake's lips, for like a minute, until color started coming back to them, His nose was so blue, and red, that small little ice patches were growing on him, She quickly wiped it off. ''Jake, I promise we're gonna get out of this alive, Well, one of us will''

Jake's body shifted, and made Emily jump, She hugged him tighter, trying her best to warm him, but she could barley feel her body herself. The water was to their ankles, And still rising, She checked the time on her phone, 3am. Great, witching hour. Maybe a demon or something will save them. She laughed in her head, remembering a memory of her and Jake, and their joke. She missed him a lot, ''Well, if were gonna die, maybe we should have sex'' She said aloud, But than looked at him, and her smile faded, She couldn't hurt him, or disobey what he said. If he couldn't have sex, than she accepted it. She saw his ears, they were so cold, that a piece of skin cracked from it, And the blood froze. She looked around for mitts, or a hat to cover them, but nothing. Only the blanket, and the useless heat warmers. She looked in the box, and saw a flare gun, a bucket, A key, a map, more heat warmers, She opened the other box, to see a coat, and mitts, 'Yes!' She smiled

She put the coat on Jake, and put the mitts on his ears, and than put the blanket over the two, 'At least we can die together' She sighed, closing her eyes.

She opened them about 20 minutes later, and looked over at Jake, his face was whiter than a ghost, with a tissue, on a white blanket, on top of a white blanket, in a white store. That's how white he looked. She knew their was no use, her body temperature was dropping, and his already has, She kissed his lips, but than quickly pulled off, his lips were ice. She put her hand to his face, Ice. His body was practically ice. He was so cold, that he was probably dead. Just than, something struck the side of the truck, which made it fall, water burst against the side, making the walls creak, as it squeezed together, water came in faster. She checked her phone, 3:45am.

She took the key, holding it in her ice cold hand, she barley felt it. She looked at Jake, who's tears were frozen to his face, his bloody broken nose was blue. His eye lashes were iced, his whole body was like snow, and ice. She sighed, and hugged him, ''I may regret this, but I have to try and save us'' She said, sticking the key into the door.... ''Here goes everything'' She said twisting it, The door opened, and the two were sucked into the ice cold water, She grabbed Jake, and held him close, she opened her eyes, to see darkness, Something touched her back, She turned to see a person, She let go of Jake, who started to sink, She looked around, and looked down, seeing him sink. She swam down, and caught the zipper on the coat, she pulled it, and got his hand, and pulled him to her.

 She put on arm around him, and tried to swim up, and she did, catching her breath the second she touched the surface. She was farther out than she thought from shore. She put Jake's body on the van, and jumped back into the water, She looked for the person who was also in the water, And when she found her, she opened her mouth, and screamed, looking face to face with a very, frozen, and dead Quinn. Emily gasped. In her head, her thoughts went wild. She never really liked Quinn, but she defiantly didn't want her dead... not like this! She looked over, to see something as big as a shark, smash into the van, and made it tip, and fall in. Sinking fast. And as the van hit the water, so did Jake. She looked at Quinn, and felt bad, but swam for Jake, She looked around, the box was sinking, and the flair gun was close by, she got that, and Jake. She shot the flair off in the water, beside her head was a massive shark. Where the hell were they!

She shot the flair at the shark, and swam for surface with Jake, The shark followed, biting her foot, How could a fucking shark be in freezing cold water! She swam, and swam, getting tired, But she pushed through the pain, to make sure Jake wouldn't die. She saw police cars flying to the scene, She was close to shore, when the shark tugged her under, she let go of Jake, ''HELP!'' She screamed being pulled under, Jake's body started sinking under the water.

A cop got into a boat, and came over for them, and jumped in. He searched for Emily, where he got her. But Jake.... Jake was gone. Emily chocked on water, trying to talk. ''Wheres Jake!''

''We didn't find him ma'am'' He said. She punched the cop in the cheek. She jumped off the side of the boat, and into the freezing cold water, once again. She swam for the bottom, about 10 metres down, she found his lifeless body, She got it, and tugged it up, and the cop helped her, and him into the boat, She started crying, holding Jake. ''Where are we?'' She asked

''In the Atlantic ocean, that's why it's so cold! The bridge that across here some ways was driven into, that's how you got here.'' He said ''How long have you been down their?''

''Since like 2:40, and its now 4:30'' Emily said ''So two and a half hours'' She said

He looked at Jake, who was ice. Literally, he was so blue, and covered in ice patches that he was probably ice. His body was probably shut down, he probably died in that van, He froze,

''I did my best to keep him warm... But, he was knocked out, and.... I don't understand sir, I'm usually able to tell if he's ok,..... but I cant this time, Is... Is Jake ok?'' She asked

''Hun, Your friend's body temperature is below 0... Which is very, dangerously bad! Almost no one can survive that, at all, we cant get a pulse, we tried to get blood with a needle, and its ice cold-'' He started to say, but Emily stopped him.

''QUINN!'' She yelled ''She's still down there!'' Emily said

'No, My team searched down there, no one else was left there, and if your friend was down there. She's gone'' He said, ''And Jake, He's so cold, and frozen, The chances of him being alive is so bad that I cant even tell you a number. The thing is, being in freezing cold water, isn't good, I'm surprised you didn't die'' He said, Emily fell hitting her ass off the ground, Her face went white, and tears fell as the officer told her these words... ''But your friend, Jake,... He is dead'

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