♡06♡ Reach 3

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Some nights had passed and Fragments made many dark themed songs to try and challenge Shapes, but none of them were up to the level of performance that Shapes had performed. No matter how many times they tried to improvise, they couldn't grasp the same magic and uniqueness Shapes had in their performance that night.

"In our current state, we won't be able to top Shape's performance." Keita said to his team. 

The room where they usually practice was heavy in terms of atmosphere. Keita was telling the team that their current state couldn't top Shape's performance; then there was Kuon who was telling the team not to feel so down and they should just do their best; then there was Kai who was looking at both sides of the coin and telling them his opinion on the matter, and then there was Tsukuyo who was on the thinking side, balancing all three points and calculating the outcome in silence. 

"You never know unless we try! We're fine the way we are, we've always been on the cool side!" Kuon was arguing against Keita, who suggested that they move away from the theme they move away from the dark atmosphere Shapes was doing. 

"In terms of the theme, they have got the throne, Kuon. Whether you like it or not, we can't invade their throne!"

"We won't know unless we try!" 

"No, even if we do try, it will be like falling off the camel and grabbing at sands." We won't get anything out of challenging them, Kuon. You have to face it." Kai reasoned. 

"But...!" Kuon then looked at Tsukuyo, "You feel the same too, right?" 

"I don't want to lose, I understand..." But what could they do to win? No matter what lyrics and music they come up with, it was nothing compared to Shapes' performance. "Heh, so this is how it feels to be on the flip side for the change. I wonder if this is how the others sees us..." Tsukuyo got up from her seat, "I don't see the reason to practice in our current state. We'll meet back here tonight." She packed up her guitar in the guitar bag and slung it over her shoulder.

As she left the building, she saw Tsukigami on his night jog. He tripped and nearly fell if he hadn't supported himself in time. 

"Kaito!" She ran over to him and tried to support him, "It's late! Shouldn't you be resting?" 

"Same goes for you." He got back up by himself without her help. "Why isn't Tengenji with you?" 

"He's got kabuki practice and I'm just heading back now." 


"Kaito, you haven't been looking happy for the past few days. You're making such a fake face all the time." 

"Huh? My face has always been like this." He was about to jog away again but Tsukuyo grabbed hold of the back of his jacket. "Tsuku...?" 

"You're in pain." She didn't mean physical pain, she meant emotionally. She could see the hurt in his eyes and she wanted to know what it was about. "Kaito, talk to me." 

"Talk to you? I don't need anyone to talk to. I'm fine." 

"You say that but I can tell you are not-" 

"Stop trying to know what's wrong with me when you should be more concerned about Tengenji." Tsukigami sounded rather annoyed at her. 

"What? He's got nothing to do with this, I genuinely am concerned about you-" 

"Stop it, Tsuku. Just stop." 


"Stop that!" Tsukigami snapped at her, hitting away her hand. 

♡Tsukihana♡Tengenji Kakeru♡Starmyu♡Where stories live. Discover now