Chapter One- My Own Monster

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I am tired. Tired of feeling the pain inside me. Tired of the inner conflict I have to deal with everyday. When will it stop? Who knows? I'll probably never figure it out. Might as well die trying though.

Kathryn says she can help me figure out what's wrong, but I know she can't. She's only saying that to make me feel better, and she knows it won't. No one but me understands how I feel. "You need to journal everyday, Grace," she says. "You need to take your medication, Grace," she says. What I need is for her to stop thinking she knows what I need. Oh yeah, you might want to know who Kathryn is. Kathryn is my mother.

Kathryn sent me to a therapist when I was thirteen years old. It's been two years and they still haven't figured out anything about me. They diagnosed me with depression, ADD, and bipolarity. I have to take anti-depressants and ADD meds, which is really confusing because anti-depressants make you get happy, but ADD meds bring you down and make you depressing.

Daddy wants me to be his little girl again, to be happy again. I love him so much, but I just can't. I've tried to put the pain past me, but everytime, it comes back. Faster and stronger. My mind fills with dark thoughts and I can't help but to listen to the "doubter" in my mind, telling me I'm worthless.

It's true though, you know. I am worthless. Useless. It's all true. They've kept they're stupid little secrets from me too long and now I know the truth. But there's always something to make the pain a little more tolerable, right? A little self-infliction. It takes my mind away from the real pain underneath.

So now, I look into my bag for my only source of relief.

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