first concert budson part 8

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Babe's pov: me hud was going to our concert and going to see 21 pilots and they will be singing a song called heathens and i can't wait and we will have a blast and hud is starting the car up and hear he comes
Hudson: hey babe are you ready to go
Babe:yes and i can't wait
Hudson: okay lets get in the carso we can go
Babe:wow and aww
Hudson: awww i love you and since we 16 on oyr 19th birthday and yes we where born amon the sane day and i was going to ask you if you can marrie me
Babe:hud of course i would and wow i have a birthday twin
Hudson: lets go before there sold out
Babe :okay
Hudson and babe leave for the concert

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