DWC 2: Adore You

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Hyera's P.O.V.

"Hyera wake up." Someone with a honey voice said while gently tapping my cheeks.

I opened my eyes and I saw the angelic face of my cousin. Ew.

"What? are we home already?" I asked while I check my eye if there's any gross stuff.

"Didn't you heard what I said before?" He said and sighed.

"Well no, I guess I fell asleep. Wait where are we? This isn't our house." I told him because I noticed that we're in front of a different house.

"Aish I told you lately that we're going to Hoshi's house first before we go home." Ooohh Hoshi what? What kind of name is that?

"Oh okay I'll just stay here and wait for you." I told him and I was about to sleep again when he smacked my forehead.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU HONG JISOO?" I yelled at him but he just laughed his ass out in me.

"Na-uh you are going with me inside cause Mrs. Kwon invited us to come over. So whether you like it or not you are going with me." He said and he sounded serious so I have no choice but to go with him inside.

This guy is seriously getting into my nerves.

I wonder what kind of people is inside of that house?

Aish I'm supposed to be resting right now but never mind. I'm getting hungry too.

When we entered the house I saw a woman approaching us.

"Joshua! The other members is already here, what took you so long?-- And oh you brought a beautiful lady with you? Is she your girlfriend?" The lady said as she greeted my cousin. And what?! Girlfriend? Ew.

Joshua's P.O.V.

I laughed before I answered

"Well Mrs. Kwon I'm sorry I'm late cause I dropped by the airport before going here to fetch my cousin who just came from L.A." I explained while controlling my laughter cause Hyera's face is unpredictable.

"Oh is that so?" Mrs. Kwon said as she shifted to Hyera.

She bowed 90 degrees and greeted Hoshi's mom with her most genuine smile.

Aish for sure the boys will adore her later. Hyera is a total package. Tsk tsk my cousin must hide from them cause they're a bunch of dorks.

"Hello there young lady I'm Soonyoung's mom you can call me Mrs. Kwon." Mrs. Kwon said as she introduced herself to my cousin.

"Hello Mrs. Kwon, I'm Hong Hyera, Joshua's cousin. Nice to meet you." Hyera introduced and Mrs. Kwon led us to the dining room and I saw those 12 dorks waiting impatiently.

"Aish Hong Joshua where have you been?!" Seungcheol blurted when they saw me approaching them.

"Hyung what took you so long?!"

"We're hungry already!"

They all looked so pissed but I just laughed at them.

"Achoo!" Eh? I heard a sneeze beside me and it was Hyera who sneezed, I can't help myself to burst out laughing cause her nose is very red. Aigoo.

"OH YOUR GIRLFRIEND?!" All the members exclaimed when they saw Hyera. I was about to answer them when Mrs. Kwon came and spoke up.

"You boys are so loud. This pretty lady here is Joshua's cousin, and stop dissing Joshua okay?" Mrs. Kwon said calmly. The boys seemed to shut their mouths up

"Stop laughing you look like a pabo." Hyera said and rolled her eyes on me.

"Hyung what's her name? Dang she's beautiful." Mingyu whispered as soon as I sat beside him. I glared at him and he pouted.

I looked at the other members and boy, they're all amazed with my cousin.

Aish I knew it.

Hyera's P.O.V.

I sat beside Jisoo and I can feel the stares of these boys.

I looked straight to them and they all looked away. Eh? Why are they like this?

"Boys I know she's gorgeous and everything but the food's getting cold. You too Hyera enjoy the food."Mrs. Kwon reminded us. I'm about to get the rice when I realized that it's too far from me and I have small arms I was just gonna ask Jisoo to get it for me when the guy with small eyes beside me helped me with it.

I stared at him when he's putting some rice in my plate. W-woah he's cute.

"Is this enough?" I came back to my senses and I can feel my cheeks burning because he stared at me too.

I looked at my plate and OMG.

"Yah Hoshi! Why did you put too much rice in her plate?" A small guy with a green hair scolded this guy beside me.

So this guy's Hoshi?

"Don't worry she can finish it all up she eats like a pig anyway." Jisoo blurted and I slapped his shoulder.

"Wait til we go home Hong Jisoo." I whispered but the other members heard it.

"Pft hyung you're dead." A chubby guy said.

"So Hyera, you just came from Los Angeles right?" Mrs. Kwon said for another topic.

"Yes, I stayed there for 5 years to finish my studies." I said sincerely.

"Even her voice is like honey." The guy beside Jisoo mumbled something but I didn't heard it and I saw my cousin glared at him.

"Oh then you must be fluent in english too just like Jisoo?" I was a bit shocked when she said it to me in english.

"Yes Mrs. Kwon I can speak well." I answered in english too.

Well unlike Joshua who grew up in L.A. I grew up here in Seoul.

"Woah you're so cool." The guy in front of me who looks like the youngest told me and I just smiled at him.

"S-she just smiled" the chubby guy said while pointing his fingers at me.

"Pfft." The other members laughed and Mrs. Kwon joined too.

I'm surrounded with a bunch of weird people

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