DWC 9: Reconcillation & Officialy Dating

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Hyera's P.O.V.

I cooked lunch for them since they said that they always order foods whenever they're staying at their dorm.

"Hyera can you call Hoshi in his room? Tell him that we're going to eat." Seungcheol asked.

"Alright. Please tell Joshua to get my sister too." I said and he nodded.

I knocked at his door but it didn't opened, so I decided to just enter since it's not locked, there I saw him lying on the bed facing the wall.

"I told you already hyung I'm not in the mood to eat." He said lazily and he covered his self with blanket.

"Are you a 5 year old kid to whine like that?" I said and he immediately removed his blanket off his face.

"I thought it's Seungcheol again." He mumbled and he looked at me.

The side of his lips is bleeding. Maybe because of Wonwoo's punch.

"Wait give me a second." I told him and I rushed to the living room to get my bag. I always have my safety kits with me in case of emergency.

I ran back to his room but I almost dropped my kits because Hoshi is not wearing a-any shirt.


"Yah! Wear your shirt!" I said while looking away and I can feel my cheeks burning.

He chuckled, "You can turn around I'm done changing."

I turned around


He laughed his ass out because of my reaction. He really is done changing, b-but the moment I turned around he gave me a peck on my lips.

"YAH!" I said and punched him.

"You're such a pervert!" I continued but he's just laughing.

He grabbed both of my elbows and smacked my forehead.

"That's what you get for barging into a boy's room without knocking." He frowned. "But it's fine as long it's my room that you're barging in to." Then his frown turned into a smirk.

*Dugeun Dugeun*

My heartbeat is going crazy again, is it possible that I'm inlove with this guy?

I shrugged off the thought and I'm the one who smacked him in his forehead now so he lost his grip.

"Ouch what was that for?" He said scratching his forehead.

"That's for putting up a childish stunt with Wonwoo! Sit down I'm gonna cure your cut." I told him and he did what I said.

I started damping his cut with a cut cleaner and a cotton. After I finished, I covered it with a band-aid. I chuckled because the band aid has a flower design all over it.

"There! You're all done, let's go they're waiting." I told him and was about to leave his room but he grabbed my wrist.

"Hyera if you leave me, there won't be any cure to my broken heart, only you. So please stay with me forever." He said seriously while staring straight to my eyes.

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