DWC 15: Changes

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Hoshi's P.O.V.

It's been 3 years already, many things have changed. We became much popular now, yet something's still missing.

3 years have passed and we haven't heard any news about her. All we know is she went overseas with Hyerin but no one knows where, even Joshua.

Funny how my feelings didn't changed at all, I'm still crazy in love with her.

"Hoshi our flight will be tonight, are you done packing?" S.Coups hyung reminded me and I just nodded.

We're going to L.A. tonight and we're staying there for 3 weeks to have a photo shoot and to film our music video for our upcoming comeback.

We're gonna film the music video of the song that's dedicated to her.

Wonwoo's P.O.V.

"Are you planning to stay cold forever?" Mingyu nagged.

I just ignored him and continued packing my things.

"Wonwoo hyung it's been 3 years already. I know that you love her so much but acting like that won't change anything. You're not the one who's just broken here, all of us! Especially Joshua hyung and Hoshi hyung." He continued which made me stop what I'm doing.

I sighed.

If only I didn't agreed to them for lying to her 3 years ago then it won't be like this.

"Am I that affected about what happened?" I asked almost whispering.

Mingyu went near me and patted my shoulders.

"Yes hyung, you are. Please, we're affected too but we can't do anything about it. We're the ones who hurt her so we should deal with the consequences even if it's still painful." He stated and he's right.

I'm that affected about what happened to the point that I forgot everyone around me.

I hope I can see you soon Hyera, I want to make it up to you."

Joshua's P.O.V.

3 years have passed and we're still trying hard to conceal the scars from everything that happened before.

I have no idea where Hyera is but I know she's safe. Our communication is still strong but she never told me where she was.

Hyerin is with her real family and it means that Hyera is living alone.

Yes you've read it right, Hyerin isn't related to us by blood, uncle adopted her and now she's with her real family.

"I'm excited! We're about to land hyung!" Dino said with full of excitement in his voice. I chuckled because of his reaction.

"We're really going to film the MV already, time flies so fast." Woozi mumbled.

"What do you mean?" Jeonghan asked, the other members are listening too because it seems like Woozi will say something interesting.

"Well 3 months ago, I was just writing and composing the song that's all about her while Hoshi's choreographing and now we're gonna film the MV already." He explained, suddenly our moods changed because of what he said.

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