DWC 10: Surprise

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Hyera's P.O.V.

Seventeen had been really busy these past few days since they're having a comeback in three months.

*Ring Ring*

"Hello?" I answered without looking at the caller ID.

["I miss you..."] Someone said and it made me giggled.

"I miss you more. Do you want me to come over there later?" I said in a very sweet tone while smiling from ear to ear.

["That's a good idea babe.-- Hey what babe are you saying there Hoshi?!-- Joshua shut up! Oh I'm sorry about that."] He said and sighed. I just chuckled.

"It seems like you just finished practicing a dance, I can still hear you panting." I said, this guy always call me whenever they're having a water break. It melts my heart knowing that he'll chose to talk to me than to rest.

["I'm not actually tired of the dance, I'm tired of teaching your stiff cousin. Pft--what are you saying?!-- It's nothing hyung! Aish your cousin kept talking I'm sorry."] He said and laughed.

"I'm gonna hang up. You should rest first I'm going to prepare now." I said to him.

["Alright, but can you go here at 4:00PM? So that we're already finished practicing for today."]

"But I want to see you guys practice." I said in a disappointed tone. I never saw them practiced yet ㅠㅠ

["We're just cleaning some steps, you can watch us tomorrow. Cheer up! See you later."] He said and he was the one who hung up. Okay what was that?

It was the first time he hung up on me tho.

I checked the time and it's just 2:30. I still have 1 hour and 30 minutes. Aish.

I just finished showering and my phone suddenly rang, I checked the caller ID and it's Joshua.


["HYERA! COME HERE ALREADY!"] Nervousness suddenly broke into my body when I heard Joshua's tone.

"W-what? Why?" I asked panicking.


After hearing those words I felt like my world just crushed.

I immediately hung up, and wore some clothes that I just picked up in my closet. Dang I don't care about my hair and face anymore!

I immediately grabbed my car keys and ran to the stairs.

"Ugh shit not now!" I yelled because I freakin tripped on the last stair. I felt the pain but I shrugged it off and ran to my car.


I'm already here at Pledis and the damn elevator is taking too long! I decided to take the stairs even if my foot is killing me.

Hoshi please be fine.

My sight started to blur, I'm crying while running.

Hoshi I'm almost near, wait for me.

I stopped in front of their practice room and immediately barged in.

"Why is it so dark here? Did I came to the wrong room?! Ugh!" I said and pulled my hair out of frustration. I'm about to leave the room but a music suddenly played

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