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Yuri was sitting on the window seat, petting his white cat’s fur contently. It had been a while since he had seen him; Potya enjoyed going on long expeditions in the gardens, and on top of that he seemed to have a difficult time remembering where Yuri was staying now. A purr rumbled in his throat as he cuddled against his human’s belly. Yuri scratched behind his ears, and he arched up his head to receive it. He heard a sound outside and perked up, alert. Potya did the same.

He protested as Yuri took him off of his lap and placed him in a cushion, then moved over to peek out the window. Sure enough, Otabek was climbing up the rose tree. Yuri watched him for a while, heart beating like a rabbit’s, but quickly turned away when he realized what he was doing. He plopped down on the window seat and glared, head bowed and a pink tinge to his cheeks, until Otabek stepped on the ledge and entered. His boots clicked softly against the marble flooring.

They met eyes, aquamarine and obsidian, and stared at each other for a couple of moments (although it felt like an eternity). Neither of them blinked, seemingly petrified. Otabek finally tore his gaze away, the back of his hand pressed against his mouth. Avoiding eye contact, he opened the pouch on his belt and withdrew a small parcel enveloped in paper and tied with a crimson thread. He held it out to Yuri.

“For you,” he proclaimed bluntly. Yuri reached out and took the package, slightly dazed. He pulled the string and then unfolded the wrapping, heart rate elevated. Nestled inside was a polished blue-green stone with little sunflowers hand-painted on it. It was strung onto a gold chain that glittered in the moonlight. “It reminded me of you,” Otabek told him.

Yuri was speechless, delicately running his finger over the cool stone and raised blossom detailing. Nobody besides his grandfather had ever given him something just because they cared about him. They were always motivated by selfish reasons. They wanted to be on good terms with his country, they wanted to strike a deal, they wanted their daughter to become engaged with him…

“Thank you,” Yuri responded simply, severely understating what this meant to him. He tried to lift up his hair to put the necklace on, but it was too heavy to keep out of the way while trying to do a clasp. He growled in annoyance. Suddenly Otabek was beside him, and he could smell the intoxicating scent of foreign spices and the forest.

“Lift up your hair,” Otabek requested. Yuri handed him the jewelry and then obeyed. Otabek drew it around his neck and fiddled with the latch, his warm fingers brushing against Yuri’s skin and sending chills down his spine. Otabek released the necklace and moved back so that they were facing each other. Yuri didn't usually wear ornamentation unless he had to, but something about the weight of the pendant against his heart made him feel all bubbly inside. ‘Gross.’

“Who's this?” Otabek inquired, gesturing to the cat resting on the seat.
“Oh! This is Potya.” Yuri couldn't help but smile when talking about his beloved pet. He patted his head softly. Otabek regarded Potya and blinked.
“May I touch them?”
“You can try, but he doesn't really like anyone besides me.” Cautiously, Otabek sat down between Yuri and the cat. Yuri scooted away so that it didn't appear that he was relishing being so close to him. (He was.)

Otabek didn't make eye contact with Potya, and carefully extended his hand. Potya sniffed it suspiciously, and Otabek gently ran a hand down his back. He waited for a second to see what the reaction would be, and the cat sauntered closer to rub his head against his side. Yuri couldn’t help but be impressed. Potya seldom took to anyone so quickly, and frequently hissed at people that tried to touch him.

Otabek rubbed his head, and thunderous purrs soon filled the air. The cat closed his sapphire eyes and lifted his chin so that Otabek knew that he wanted to be stroked there. With a small smile playing on his lips, he obliged. Tiny paws rested on his muscular thighs and started kneading them, claws flexing in and out and snagging on the fabric.

To be perfectly honest, and while he was happy that the pair of them were getting along, Yuri was a tad jealous of the affection that Potya was receiving. ‘I want him to pay attention to me!’ he thought, before quickly scolding himself. He was being foolish. Envious of a cat? Ha. He looked away, arms folded and scowling.

“What?” Yuri turned back, and his cross expression immediately melted. Potya was sprawled out over Otabek’s lap, rubbing his cheek all over his legs. Otabek's eyes were so happy, and he looked as if this was one of the greatest things to ever happen to him. Yuri smiled and reached out to Potya. His long sleeves were ensnared in those sharp claws, and his fingers were nibbled on playfully. (Potya would never pierce his skin.) The cat soon grew bored and let go of his arm, then leapt down. Ears pricked, he crept up to some of Yuri’s boundless golden hair and pounced on it. He rolled over and batted at it, then started chewing on it.

“Taste good?” Yuri asked dryly. He jumped in alarm when Otabek snorted, and looked over to see amusement evident in the nuances of his face. Yuri felt frozen in place, just dumbly drinking in the sight of Otabek. Kind eyes, strong jawline, day-old stubble… Subconsciously, he wondered if his hair was as soft as it seemed. Before he even knew what was happening, he was drawing his hand over the top of Otabek’s head and down his intricately woven plait. The hair was a very different texture from his own fine strands, thick and silky and a bit wiry.

As soon as Yuri gained his self-awareness back, he quickly withdrew his hand. Otabek’s eyes widened ever so slightly, and he touched his braid. They both sat there in silence, Yuri’s cheeks burning.
“I…” He gritted his teeth, frustrated with himself. “Sorry.” He'd fucked everything up now, hadn't he? He dared a glance at Otabek, who was simply staring at him without a sound. His stoic visage was unreadable.

“Yuri…” Yuri’s eyes lifted when he heard his name, heart fluttering like a trapped bird.
“Yes?” he questioned, feigning indifference (although his bouncing leg was difficult to not notice). To his surprise, Otabek stretched out his hand and touched his pinky to his. Millimeter by millimeter, their fingers shifted until they were intertwined. Yuri flushed red and turned away in embarrassment. Neither moved their hand. He swallowed nervously and steeled himself, determined. Before he could change his mind, he stiffly laid his head onto Otabek’s shoulder. Both of their bodies were tense, but gradually loosened up as they relaxed.

Yuri closed his eyes and breathed in Otabek’s scent. It had such a calming effect on him that he nearly forgot about how fast his hair was growing, pooling around them like molten gold. Otabek radiated heat, and he snuggled slightly farther into his frame. He tried to lift his eyelids, but found it nearly impossible. It was as if they were laden with lead.

Yuri gave a wide yawn, and then his thoughts began to drift like jellyfishes on the sea that were being tossed by foam-crested waves. He barely registered Otabek tenderly lowering him down and covering him with something large and warm and fluffy. He lost consciousness completely and descended into the realm of dreams.

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