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"Seemed a little slow today in training mullet~" it was a simple day in space as Lance daily teased Keith waiting for a fight to hopefully win.

"Why so quiet? Lion got your tongue?" Lance snickered.

Lance frowned seeing Keith simply ignoring him and gave up and started talking to hunk. They where talking about how he loved the food they had and recipes their mothers had and somehow turned into events they love.

"Shut the fuck up Lance!" Keith snapped.

Lance sent the red paladin a glare as he sat on the otherside of the table, he was chatting along with hunk and started telling coran about how great earth is and how he loved the summers he spent with his family.

"Well that's a little rude," Lance rolled his eyes.

"I don't care, it's to damn early to be talking so loud," Keith groaned annoyed.

"Enough you two or I'm putting you in time outs," Shiro warned them.

"Time outs?" Keith blinked confused.

"You can't be serious Shiro? That's ridiculous," Lance laughed nervously.

"One more fight and im putting you two in a room together," Shiro said sternly and Keith rolled his eyes and got up.

"I'll be training," Keith walked out annoyed.

Shiro sighed and stood up as well to follow his boyfriend out to make sure he was alright.

"Keith wait," he jogged up to Keith.

"Look Shiro I'm sorry but I'm not a morning person," Keith waved him off but Shiro grabbed him by the shoulder and spun him around to face the taller man.

"I know, I'm not mad, I'm just making sure your okay," Shiro smiled worriedly at Keith.

"I'm fine, hey I'm just going to go to my room instead, I just need a nap," Keith shrugged.

"Yea of course, see you soon," Shiro leaned down and kissed Keiths forehead not moving his hair away and sent a smile as he walked away probably to Allura to make sure everything was in check.

Keith suddenly felt someone walking over to him and saw Lance casually strolling.

"And is that our cue?" Lance raised an eye brow seeing no one around.

"Really? In the halls?" Keith scoffed.

"Right, you wanted a nap?" Lance got closer to him, inches apart and Keith burned red, he never felt like this when Shiro and him even kissed but Lance made Keith go insane.

"Nope," Keith smirked and grabbed Lance by the collar to drag him down to kiss Keith rather heatedly.

Lands smiled as he held Keith by the waist and they stubbles back as Keith slammed his fist on the door lock so it opened for them and they let go of each other making sure the halls where clear before Keith closed it again.

"Is it sound proof?" Lance asked as he set Keith on his bed.

"They just can't hear us, but we can hear them," Keith looked up at Lance as he was laid on his back and Lance was over him.

"It's great for early morning training alarms," he rolled his eyes.

They've been secretly dating for almost a month now, some how no one knows and Shiro didn't even have the slightest clue that they had sex at all. Shiro never was the heated romantic or flirty that made Keiths heart race but more of the fluffy light touches kind of guy. He even let Lance take his virginity, but he wanted to. But Shiro was so sweet Keith can't bring himself to break up with the leader...

"I love you Lance," Keith breathed as Lance kissed him deeply and Keith held the back of his neck.

Lance looked down at Keith with wide eyes but he smiled cutely as the words wrapped around his head and kissed Keith again but much more sweeter.

"I love you too keith," Lance whispered against Keiths ear and kissed the skin behind his ear as his hands roamed Keiths smaller body.

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