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Lance and Keith where shoved to the ground with their hands binded behind their backs and landed on their knees before zarkon who stood in front of them. Keith glared up at him and Lance tried focusing his eyes on the evil alien ruler before them.

"So your the great Voltron Paladins?" He growled looking down at the two humans.

"I'm most disappointed, weak humans as Paladins," he croaked and Keith grinded his teeth holding back a comment.

"Yea well, is humans are actually full of surprises," Lance smirked up at him.

"And disgusting hope, it's clear in your eyes," zarkon stepped towards Lance making Keiths heart beat faster hoping Lance wouldn't get anymore hurt than he already is.

"I'd say the same for you but your eyes just show anger, what? Did daddy not show up for your tenth birthday because of 'work'?" Lances smirk didn't go away.

Zarkon said nothing but looked at Hagar who was standing to the side watching and nodded at her. She charged up her hands with energy and shot Lance with lightning making him cry out in pain and when it ended he panted for a breath.

"Do not speak to me out of term human, or your punishment will be more painful," zarkon sneered at Lance who was on his side with his eyes closed in pain.

"No... Promises..." Lance wheezed and Keith watched Lance helplessly.

"Leave him alone!" Keith snapped and zarkon turned to Keith.

"K-Keith..." He heard Lance say weakly.

"You stop talking," Keith told him sternly so Lance wouldn't hurt himself anymore.

"K-Keith your eyes..." Lance coughed and Keith looked at him confused.

"A galra hybrid, most interesting," zarkon smiled cruelly.

"Stay away from me," Keith sneered.

"Which would you claim is stronger boy? The galra or humans?" Zarkon asked.

"Humans," Keith said without hesitation.

"Fine, I need some entertainment anyways," zarkon walked away and sat in his throne as Keith glared at him but was deeply worried about Lance who sat back up looking at zarkon as well.

"What do you mean?" Keith growled.

"Tomorrow you two will enter the arena and battle to the death with the gladiator," zarkon told him.

"Only one of you three will be returning to your cell tomorrow, as in one of you will die or both," he smiled cruelly as Lance and Keiths eyes went wide.

"Take them back to their cell, get them out of my sight," zarkon spat and the two Paladins where grabbed roughly and dragged back to the cell they shared. The guards took off their cuffs and shoved the boys into the dark cell.

"Lance?" Keith sat up looking at his boyfriend worriedly.

"It's... It's going to be okay Keith," Lance smiled at him but Keith saw right through it.

"How can you smile?!" Keith snapped.

"One of us is actually going to die Lance! That or both of us!" Keith felt his eyes burn.

"Keith it's going to be okay, it's going to be a quick death for me and I know you'll be able to fight the-" "what do you mean for you!?" Keith cried out.

"Lance I can't fight you... I can't live without you," Keith clenched his teeth together as he felt hot tears rolling down his face.

Lance pulled him close and let Keith cry into his chest holding him close pressing a kiss on the top of his head.

"I can't I can't I can't..." Keith sobbed for the first time in a long time, he sobbed because he was afraid.

"You can and will Keith... I know you, your strong," Lance held him closer.

"I need you Lance," Keiths voice broke.

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