~Chapter seven~

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Idonea felt as though she was going to be sick. Jostled by the hard riding and frightened out of her wits, it was a wonder she could even function. As she clutched Arrow's mane, her mind drifted back to her family and what possible sudden dangers had risen for Merry to blow the horn for aid.

"Please be alright." She pleaded as she pictured her mother and father. Both were brave and could surely defend themselves. And King Elessar was one to be feared in battle, or so she had been told many a time.

Her vision began to blur, making the road seem to zigzag and curve like a serpent. She knew without a doubt that she would be sick.

"J-Just a little bit further. Then, then-"

She stopped talking as a vile taste came up. Her taste buds screamed to be rid of it. Try as she might to keep riding, she had to dismount. Roughly, the lady tugged the reins, bringing Arrow to an unexpected stop. Idonea held tightly to the reins as she turned in the saddle to get down. In her haste, her foot got tangled in the stirrup and she landed hard on the solid ground.

Arrow snorted impatiently, as if she could sense the danger in the air. Quickly Idonea stood to her feet and led Arrow off the beaten path. Arrow stood still as her rider emptied her stomach of the banquet she had so relished earlier.

Idonea was queasy and her knees threatened to buckle. The taste of cool icy water was sorely longed for. She pushed her hair back and frowned. She wondered what she was doing, where she was supposed to go. Things seemed so bleak and hopeless.

"Enough of this nonsense." She scolded herself. "I can not stop now."

With unsure footing, she mounted the horse. Idonea held the reins and gave them a small flick, as she had seen other riders do many a time.

Suddenly something clicked within her. 'Riders! Riders of Rohan, I shall go to Rohan!'

Idonea gleefully chuckled to herself as Arrow started going at a walking pace.

"Yes, I shall speak with King Eomer."

Idonea felt much more at peace having a plan of action in place. The more she considered the idea of seeking aid from Rohan, the more she knew it was possibly the best decision.

Arrow suddenly stopped walking and stood still, every muscle in her body seems to tense up. Idonea looked ahead to see that they had arrived at the edge of a pine forest.

"Duradan Forest." She said to herself. She had heard tales of the odd folk that dwelt in this forest. Though they had given aid during the war of the Ring, Idonea was sure they would not take kindly to strangers trespassing.

"We must kept going." She said with determination.

Idonea clicked her tongue and flicked the reins again, slightly harder this time. Still the horse stood still as a statue. Idonea let out a huff of frustration. She dug her heels into the horse's side, but still Arrow stood still.

Idonea dismounted and stood facing Arrow. She was not sure how to urge the beast on but frankly, she was grateful to be standing on the solid ground.

"Arrow, we must hurry. There is no time." She began.

The horse let out a low whinney and took a step back. Idonea ran her fingers through her hair. Beyond the trees in the west, the sun was setting now, a deep red color. Normally she treasured a beautiful sunset, but this one held nothing but uneasiness.

"Alright, you win. We will stop here for the night. But at dawn we move out."

After some persuasion, Idonea led Arrow off the path and into a small area that was lower than the main road. There she made camp. Unfortunately for Arrow, Idonea was unsure how to assemble the horse's gear.

"I'm afraid you shall have to sleep as you are." She said regretfully.

Idonea had found the saddlebag and much to her surprise and pleasure, found it full of useful iteams: a full water skin; that was quick to be used, a small coil of rope, a knife, three apples and dried jerky.

She wanted to weep with joy as she pulled out each treasure.

"This must have been Pippin's doing." She said as she fingered the knife. She had always had a natural talent with knives and felt a sense of relief having a weapon in her possession. "Thank you, my friend." She said with a sad smile.

She had no clue as to what consequences Pippin had faced for bravely staying to defend Minas Tirith from whatever evils had arose, but she had an inkling it was none too good.

Idonea replaced the rope and most of the food in the pack. The knife, she decide would stay close by as she slept. While she fed Arrow an apple, the girl felt her eyes grow heavy; the weight of the hard day was growing  heavily.

Arrow knelt down and almost at once, fell asleep. Idonea curled up against the horse, in hopes to keep warm. No fire was to be made for fear of attackers. To her right lay the road that she had taken from Minas Tirith. And to her left was the Duradan Forest, tall and intimidating.

Idonea had never before been on her own like this. Even when she ventured out to practice with her knives, her home had always been in view and she knew where she was. Now all that surrounded her was foreign.

"In the morning things will be different." She said mostly to encourage herself.

She had no idea how much truth lay in those words.


This one is slightly boring, but things will pick up. I really hope you are enjoying this. Feel free to vote and comment.

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