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I almost have 100 reads oh me god. I'm blushing. If you having any problems with your life please tell me if you want my kik is Caitlintheweirdo. Don't judge! I know you are. Anyways I'm a great listener so i will be here if you need help. I'm also sorry I post short. i don't have much time on my hands. I don't now what to call this chapter so please read it and comment what you think I should call it.

~ Caitlin


Chapter 6

Amber's POV

I'm at the front desk. I hand the lady all the cash I had. I was saving up for a car but this is more important. I handed the lady $2752 in cash. Ask why it's in cash well I don't have a debt card. My parents....no i'm sorry I can't talk about them... i'm not ready yet. i still had to pay them about $3000.

That means I have to work two jobs and just save up. It will be hard because I pay brother and I's clothes. I try my best to steal some of my father's money out of his wallet. I only got caught once... The memories I don't want to remember. The trail of the past I have to walk on when I remember my past has muddy roads, ripped vines, and all I see is darkness. I some day wish those muddy roads will dry up. Those vines will be together and strong. and a brightness, even just a little bit, even for a second to shine through that darkness that i can not see through, that for I am lost. 

" Amber?......Amber!" the front lady says snapping me back to reality that I do not want to continue to seek. I flick my eyes back at the lady

" Yes, ma'am." I say embarrassed

" You still owe us $3074, so when you want to cash in the money or the amount you want to continually paying us a month just come in and drop it off at the front desk." She says with a smile.

" Yes ma'am." I say

I sign a paper and give them my phone number and start walking to room 305

Harry's POV

I'm sitting next to Gemma in a chair, while she is watching the telly. There's a knock at the door. Before I even have time to turn my head Louis comes barging in. He's talking really fast and try's to run over to me. He's limping a little. He gets to me looking at my body up and down. Pulling at me checking to see if i'm okay. He then looks up at my face. He runs his hand over my gash, gently making sure not to hurt me.

" Aww Haz Bear, are you okay? oh my god its so big! does it hurt? Are you okay? Damn that thing is as big as my right tes-." he says. i stop him.

" Louis i don't want to know that TMI!"

Louis just ignores me and keeps asking my series of questions. and it's scaring me. I think he is going to have a heart attack.

I look him right in the eye. Hold his shoulders.

" BOO BEAR I'M OKAY! CALM DOWN!" I say with a laugh

He looks at me and smiles. He then gives me a bear hug. We both turn to Gemma. Louis at Gemma, then at me, then back to Gemma. He has worry in her eyes. He then walks over to Gemma and hugging hurt.

" Ow." she says with a whines

Louis slowly walks away with a apologetic smile, and sits by Niall. Zayn is holding one of her hands, and Liam is holding the other one. It's then I realized how much of the boys are others brothers to Gemma and how much they care about her as much as I do. A smile creeps to my face. The boys start filling her up with.

' Are you okay? What's broken? Who do I need to beat the bloody shit out of?"

"Mates, if you shut up, I will tell ya." She says with a giggle.

" That's what I said." I mumbled to were no one heard me.

" Harry & I." she starts to say.

" You mean Haz bear & I."  Louis 'corrects' 

She rolls her eyes " Whatever." She says with a laugh. 

"Anyways we got in a wreck and I broke my leg obviously." pointing to her leg. "I broke a rib." She says glaring at Louis. He looks guilty and mouths a "Sorry." 

"I also lost a lot of blood ant that why i'm still laying in this bloody thing so I can restore my energy." She says.

All the boys are looking down. Louis looks up. 

"I got injured too."  he says with a smirk

Niall starts laughing. She looks at him a confused face. 

"How."  She ask

He points to his heart and starts fake crying. He shakes his hands.

"I'm kidding." He says with a laugh.

"Niall why don't you tell them." Liam says holding a laugh back.

I inch a step forward, this got to be good. We wait for a minutes for Niall to control him self. Everyone regretting to have him tell the story.

"Well we were all getting dressed, then Harry called." Niall starts

"He said you lads were in the hospital and that he couldn't go to the interview. We told harry that we were coming. We were not in bloody hell telling Paul, So we locked the dressing room door. We grabbed are stuff. We didn't have any other way out so we jumped out the window." he says

Iwasn't surprised but i was holding a laugh that i didn't know I was holding and let it out. 

Louis starts talking. " Well you see... there was this table...." he starts. " And it was kinda in my way...so I kicked it and it kicked me back and I went over to the window..said a few words." He smirks looking at Liam. " I didn't;t know how injured I was so I landed on my foot just oh well, my ankle got a little wrapped around the glass." He says 

" I think I sprained me ankle." he finally said.

" The table kicked you, ankle got a little wrapped up in the grass... really lad you could have come up with something better than that.! I say with a laugh but roll my eyes.

" Sorry, I didn't really think about it the way here I was busy cuddling with me teddy-webby." He says with a pout face. Everyone starts laughing.

" Oh, and we robbed Paul by stealing the car." Zayn says innocently.

" Pauls going to rip your livers out and feed them to the goats." I say 

The room fills with laughter again. 

" Hey, lads. I'm tired so can you go pig out in the cafeteria while I sleep." Gemma says.

Niall immediately jumps up and gets excited. Everyone chuckles at his reaction.

The room fills with " Aww's but then "Fine's"

One by one everyone kisses Gemma and say's goodbye. We head put to her room and walk to the cafeteria.


There is Chapter 6 for yea. its longer than my other one's and its funnier. I hope you like it. I can't wait till i'm finished with my book you are going to hate me but, i want my book to be different. :)

Please comment! Thank you!

I love you my CRAZY MOFOS!

~ Caitlin

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