Chapter 17

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Three Months Later

Jerica sets her brush down, steps back and looks at what she just painted. Picking up the quick dry, she sprays the canvas, drops her brush in the jar on the table beside her then walk over and shuts off the lights. Opening the door going right into the shop next door Harry and Louis added, Jerica walks over and kisses Harry on the top of the head while he's working on Jakes newest tattoo.
"Hey Jake. How's Nancy?" Jerica asks as she sits down.

"She's good. Loved the painting you sent over." Jake says.

"I'm glad. It's been in storage for a while, I need to go through them and either sell them or get rid of them." Jerica says.

"Why doesn't your agent do her job and get you a showing, sell your art like it should be." Harry asks.

Jerica looks at Harry with an odd look in her eyes, holding up one finger she picks up her phone. "Erin speaking, how can I help you?"

"Hey Erin, this is J.J. Jones. I was going through my stuff at my storage facility and the place is just about overflowing." Jerica says. "Don't you think it's about time for me to have that exhibit you've been pushing back since I was 18." She says watching as Harry, Louis and Jake's eyes widen at that statement.

"Miss Jones, I'm the agent here, please don't presume to tell me how to do my job. You're only 21 and therefore don't know the business the way I do..."

"Ms. Tucker, this is my career were talking about and I believe I make a hell of a lot more money than you do. Now you either do your job and find people to buy my paintings or I will." Jerica snaps. "You know what? I've changed my mind, I may just be 21, oh sorry 22 tomorrow but you're fired. I'll sell my work myself, I seem to be doing just fine without your help. Don't call me again." Jerica says calmly as she hangs up the phone.

Harry sets his tattoo gun down, stands up and hugs Jerica. "I'm so proud of you." He whispers. "Now it's my turn." He says as he picks up his phone watching her frown. "Hey mom, I have someone here you just might want to talk to, and frankly she might want to talk to you to." He says.

"Oh? And just who might that be, son? You know damn well I know nothing about tattoos other than the ones you have." Anne laughs.

"Mom, I quit bugging you about that years ago. You know how you alway said you'd love to meet J.J. Jones, maybe represent her because it seems as if her agent sucks?" Harry smiles.

"Yeah, what does that have to do with you making this call?" Anne asks.

Harry holds his phone out slightly. "Anne Twist meet J.J. Jones." He laughs, seeing the look on Jerica's face.

"Your mom is Anne Twist? You asshole." Jerica yells, jumping from her chair, smacking Harry's arm. "We've been dating for months, living together almost that long and you're just now telling me this? What the fuck Harry? How could forget to mention something like that?" She says as she stomps off, slamming the door to the female bathroom.

"She's right you know. That was quite mean son." Anne says. "I've talked to you several times in the past month and never once did you mention you were dating, or even living with someone. Especially someone like the talented Miss Jones."

Harry looks up and sees Jerica standing a few feet away, she has tears on her cheeks from hearing what his mom said, just as he's about to stand up she turns and walks out. "Mom, I'll call you later." Harry says, hanging up. "Jake we'll finish this later also." He says as he pulls his gloves off, and runs out the door.

"Man when is he going to learn?" Andi sighs. "Did you tell him your family is due here soon for a visit?"

"Nope. I didn't want that to be the reason he tells his mom about Jeri and her about his mom." Louis says. "I don't know why he's so secretive about all this, like it's some dirty little secret." 

Jake shrugs his shirt on. "Well I hope he can fix this for other reasons." He says. "Don't tell them I said this, but I have experienced 6 pregnancies, and I'd bet my new bike that girl is pregnant. She just may not know it yet."

Louis and Andi look at each other. "Let's hope, if she is, this doesn't send Harry running." Andi says.

"Fuck that, I'm calling his mom back. I think we need to tell her what's going on here." Louis says. "It just might be time for momma Anne to pay a visit also."

"What if Jeri isn't pregnant? What then?" Andi asks.

"Doesn't matter, she still needs to be here to meet Jeri anyway. Anne can make Jeri so much more money than she has now, and yes I know she's got plenty, but she should have to so much more." Louis says as he picks up his phone.

"I was wondering when you were going to call." Anne says. "So spill, and don't leave anything out, I'm already packing."

Louis puts his phone on speaker and between him and Andi they tell Anne everything that's happened since they've opened the shop.

"I'll be there soon, and I'm bringing your family with me. I saw no reason for them to fly comercial when they can fly with me on my private plane." Anne says.

"Thanks Anne, Harry may get upset about me making this call, but it needed to be done. Jeri is a wonderful person." Louis says.

"Lou, people who put out paintings like she does, have beautiful souls. So I already know she's special. I'll see you soon, don't let my son fuck up before I get there." Anne says before hanging up.

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