Chapter 46

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Harry turns and looks at Karen. "How does he know about Rhea?" He asks.

"You kiddin? The Harry Styles, best known for his amazing portrait tattoos? He and his best friend being two of the first tattoo artists to ever become millionaires by the age of twenty." Karen mocks. "Honey, it's been all over the national news how you finally got married, not to your child's mother, but to up and coming model Rhea West. Harry, you need to pay attention more, you wife just loves to brag about being married to you." Karen sneers, never disliking someone as much as she does him.

Harry snorts. "Yeah well she's about to find out what's it's like to be divorced to me. According to my lawyer it'll be final by the end of the week with or without her signature." Harry says. "Now we going to Maine or not?"

"I guess we are." Karen says.

As soon as Harry gets the door to the shop locked he hears a voice behind him saying. "Mr. Styles, is it true your wife had to drug you to get you to agree to marry her? Are you suing Rhea West for a divorce? Will the accusations not ruin your wife's career?" The reporter asks.

Harry just shrugs and gets in his car. Once everyone else is in and buckled up he pulls away from the curb. "Where we going?" He asks.

"You get to Maine, I'll give you directions." Karen says.

About an hour after they've been on the road, Harry's phone rings. Looking at the caller ID he sees his lawyers name. "Yeah, what's up?"

"Judge stamped the papers ten minutes ago. You're a free man." Jeff says.

"Good to know." Harry says. "Did you express a copy to the bitch?"

"Of course I did. Expect a call soon, I'm sure she'll be pissed." Jeff laughs.

"Whatever, it's what she deserves." Harry says. "Look I'll call you later I'm on the road."

"You find them?" Jeff asks.

"Yeah. I'm on my way there now." Harry says.

"Good luck." Jeff says, hanging up.

"Good news?" Louis asks.

"Divorce is final. Judge put his stamp on the papers about ten minutes ago." Harry says. "Rhea has to pay me ten million for drugging me, and forcing me into an unlawful marriage." Harry says with little to no emotions. Not long after that Harry's phone rings again, he looks at it and throws it on the dashboard.

"Not going to answer that?" Andi asks.

"Nope. You can if you want." Harry says.

Andi shrugs, then reaches between Harry and Louis, from the back seat, to grab the phone from where Harry threw it. "Hello." Andi says.

"Who the fuck is this? If Harry thinks he can already replace me he's crazy." Rhea yells. "So you can tell him I'm not signing those papers."

"Dayum, now I see why he calls you "the bitch". Honey let me tell you right now, you were never synificant enough for Harry to even tell his friends your name. As for replacing you? Dear, you replace valuables, you throw out trash, which is what he's done with the likes of you." Andi snaps, causing Harry to laugh for the first time in forever. "And sweety, he doesn't need you to sign those papers, the divorce is already done and legal, just sign the check for the money you owe him doll, that's all he wants from you now. Tata." Andi says and hangs up before Rhea could say anything else. Andi then puts Harry's phone back on the console where he had it.

"God I love you." Louis laughs, kissing Andi cheek before she returns to her seat.

Harry grabs Andi's hand kisses it. "Yeah, I love her too, but like a sister. Thanks Andi."

Andi kisses Louis quickly on the lips then Harry's cheek. "Love you both also. Now let's go get Jeri and take her home."

As soon as they enter the state of Maine Karen starts giving Harry detailed instructions on how to get to where Jeri and the kids are living. When he reaches a beautiful road that travels along the coast, Karen taps Harry's shoulder and points to a private driveway that winds up into what looks like a wooded area. Turning, Harry follows the drive until he sees a huge beautiful colonial style home sitting on top of a hill, surrounded by a lush green lawn.

"Damn, she sure knows how to find beautiful places to live." Andi whispers.

"This is the house she had built for her parents. It was finished three months before they were killed, we lived here until time for her brother to start high school. That's when we moved to New York." Karen tells them all. "That's why most people don't know about this place, it's still in her parents names, not hers." She adds, nodding when she sees Timmy walking out the front door.

Harry looks in he direction Karen nods and gasps. Opening his car door he slowly gets out, he barely takes a few steps when Timmy crashes into him, wrapping his arms around his waist. The boy is almost as tall as he is, making him at twelve, taller than his mom.
"I've missed you so much, son." Harry whispers as tears wet his cheeks.

"I've really missed you too dad." Timmy chokes out.

"Your mom?" Harry asks.

"Maybe you should follow me, Gen's with her right now." Timmy says.

"Gen?" Harry asks.

"Genna Anne. Mom named her after your sister and mom, you'll see why." Timmy says as they walk through the front door.

When they get to the livingroom everyone comes to a complete stop at what they see except for Harry, he keeps walking into the room until he's standing right beside the sofa. Once there Harry falls to his knees, lying on the sofa is a very thin Jerica holding a very beautiful girl who looks like a mixture of him and Jeri.

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