Kris Bryant (Requested)

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~~Requested by KristenCochefski5 💕 hope you like it!~~

Kristen anxiously paced back and forth in her apartment and drummed her fingers on the side of her thigh.

"Babe, calm down, please. You're stressing me out."

"Really, Kris???" Kristen snapped, "You're stressed out? I'm the one whose been dating my brother's teammate behind his back!"

Kris sighed, "I'm the one dating my teammate's little sister behind his back. At least he won't beat you up."

Kristen laughed and sat down beside him, "I'm sorry for snapping at you. C'mon, it won't be that bad, right? I mean, Anthony loves you..."

"You don't sound too sure of yourself." Kris laughed nervously. He just wanted to get this whole thing over with. He was tired of hiding his relationship, especially from his best friend, who happened to be his girlfriend's older brother.

The front door opened and Anthony walked in, something he and Kristen did at each other's places. They just made themselves at home. "Hey Kristen! Weirdest thing, I could've sworn that's Bryant's car out there!"

It was Kristen's turn to laugh nervously as he stepped into the room, "It is..."

Anthony's face twisted into a look of confusion, "What's going on?"

"Hey, bud!" Kris attempted to smile as best as he could, but he was so nervous on the inside.

Kristen pointed to the couch, "Please sit. First things first, you better not get mad. Second, Kris and I have kinda been dating for the past six months." She blurted out.

Kris stared at her in shock. That was not at all how he intended to break the news to Anthony. That wasn't how he and Kristen had discussed how they were going to tell him. She had completely gone off the planned course of topic and he didn't know how to handle this.

Anthony sat in silence. He stared back and forth at both of them and they war getting more and more nervous by the second. Neither of them could read his reaction. "Anthony, please say something." Kristen pleaded.

"You're dating my sister?"

Kris' stomach dropped. This was definitely going in the direction that he hoped it wouldn't. "Unfortunately, yes. Wait, not unfortunately for me, but like unfortunately for you. Except not, because I'm a good guy and I really like your sister and we like each other. I mean, never mind..." He rambled on and quickly shut up before he embarrassed himself any further.

Anthony eyed Kris before turning to Kristen, "You're dating my teammate?"

Kristen nodded confidently, "Yes, I'm dating Kris. I want your approval, Anthony. Kris is a great guy, which you should know, so there's really no reason for you to not approve. And even if you don't, it's not going to change my mind. I'm old enough to make my own choices."

Anthony glared at both of them, "I can't believe you did this behind my back! You said six months?! SIX?! I'm your brother, Kristen! We tell each other everything! And you!" He turned to Kris, "We're teammates, practically brothers. I can't believe you could sit and spend such a large amount of time with me knowing you were lying to my face and dating my little sister!"

Kris opened his mouth to say something, but Kristen beat him to it. "Anthony, I didn't tell you because I knew you would shoot it down from the beginning! I felt something there and I had to figure out what it was for myself. If I told you, you would've said no and I would've never had the chance to see what Kris and I have together. I'm sorry I lied to you, I really am, but I don't regret it one bit and I'd do it again in a heartbeat."

Anthony stared at her, "Did you honestly think I would tell you no? Kristen, I know Kris, and while I may have been a little protective of you, I wouldn't have told you no. I'm more mad now that you lied to me. Like I said earlier, we share everything with each other. I just wish you would've trusted me."

Tears filled Kristen's eyes, "I'm sorry, Anthony. I really am. I just honestly thought I was doing the right thing."

Anthony got up and hugged her, "I'm sorry I gave you the impression that you couldn't trust me. I'm really, really sorry. Please just never hide anything from me again, understand?"

Kristen nodded in response.

Anthony looked over at Kris, "Now you. First of all, you should've known me enough to know not to sneak around with my sister behind my back. I'm still mad at you for that. Second," he grinned, "You've gotten away with six months of me teasing and interrogating you. You're gonna get it so bad now because you seriously owe me."

Kris sighed with relief. He knew Anthony would go rough on him, but it would be in a fun, friendly way. He wasn't seriously angry at them.

Anthony looked back at them again, "You guys look relieved. I'm still mad at you both for lying. However, I'm honestly excited that my best friend is dating my sister. As long as you treat her right." He pointed at Kris, who nodded.

Kris and Kristen smiled at each other. The cat was finally out of the bag and they were able to share their relationship with the world. It felt so good to finally not have this secret hanging over their shoulders. They didn't have to hide from anyone anymore. And Kris was excited to finally be able to show his girlfriend off to everyone.

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