Johan Camargo (Requested)

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Requested by laurakateroberson 💕

This was fun to write because he's not as well known! Thanks for the request! P.S. I'm pretty sure he doesn't speak English (I feel like I remember him having a translator in his post-game interview), but he does now for fictional purposes! 😂

Sorry this has been taking longer than normal. I'm going through a rough place mentally and I'm not getting motivated to write, but I'm trying just to push through it and get stuff written!


LK sat in the stands, watching as her boyfriend, Johan Camargo, was out on the field playing third base. She absolutely loved watching him play and she tried to come to as many games as she could.

It was concerning LK that Johan seemed a little off that night. He had one error and he wasn't catching the grounders that came his way as well as he normally did. He didn't seem like himself and she was concerned something was going on.

The top half of the inning had just ended and everyone was standing for the seventh inning stretch and singing when a Braves usher came over to LK's seat and motioned for her, "Come with me." He said.

LK felt a little knot in her stomach, "Is everything okay? Did I do something wrong?" She had absolutely no idea what was going on.

The usher smiled at her, "Everything is completely fine, miss. Don't worry." He led her down the aisle and onto the field just as the final notes of Take Me Out To The Ballgame were being played and sung.

A message came on over the PA system. "Ladies and gentlemen, if you would please your attention to the home on-deck circle for a very important announcement."

LK realized she was standing on the home on-deck circle and, glancing around in bewilderment, noticed Johan walking over to over, looking extremely terrified.

"Johan, what's going on?" LK asked, nervously. Being the center of attention of thousands of people with absolutely no clue what was going on.

He chuckled and rocked back and forth on his feet, suddenly at a loss for words in the moment. He had been waiting the whole game to get to this and now the nerves were taking over. He glanced over to the dugout where the entire team was motioning to him to go ahead.

"Johan....." she questioned, starting to get concerned at this point. It hadn't even occurred to her that Johan was about to ask the most important question about their lives so far.

Johan cleared his threat and finally began to speak, "LK...we've been together for years now. I knew from the minute I laid eyes on you that I would love you for the rest of my life. I can't go on any more without knowing that you're mine and you've got the proof on your left hand. LK, will you do me the honors of becoming my wife?" He had knelt to one knee, had pulled out a beautiful ring, and was gazing longingly up at her.

LK's hands were up over her gaping mouth and she stared down at him in complete shock. She had known she wanted to marry him, but she honestly had not been expecting it, here or now. She must've been processing it for longer than she realized, because his nervous laughter pulled her from her thoughts.

"Well...I didn't think it would take you this long to answer..." Johan rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry." LK began, "Of course I'll marry you! I just...I'm in shock." She began to cry as she thought of what had just happened and the fact that she was now going to be marrying her best friend and the love of her life.

Johan smiled as his nervousness slipped away and he slid the ring on her finger. The whole stadium burst into applause. He stood up, took her in his arms, and twirled her around and LK felt like nothing could be better in that moment.

Someone clearing their throat behind them pulled the couple out of their thoughts. "Sorry to interrupt," the umpire laughed, "but we got a game to finish."

They both laughed and LK stretched up and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "I love you, Johan."

He smiled back and wrapped his arms around her, "I love you too. Two more innings and we'll be able to celebrate." He kissed the top of her head and they parted ways.

LK walked back to her seat as people around her cheered and congratulated her. As she sat and watched the rest of the game, her mind still couldn't fathom the thought that she was now going to be Mrs. Johan Camargo.

The thought overjoyed her and the only thing that made this night even better was watching the Braves and her new fiancé add another win to their record.


Short, but sweet 🤷🏼‍♀️

So I discovered in research about Johan that he is more adorable than I realized. I also found out that Johan's birthday is the day after mine (though a few years difference) and we're almost birthday buddies, so I love him even more now, oops.

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