Aaron Judge (Requested)

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Requested by maddie_judge 💕 I am so so sorry this has taken so long! I wanted to make sure I posted something I felt good about, rather than quickly write something I didn't really like! I hope you like it!


Maddie anxiously glanced over her shoulder as she talked with the young guy who worked at the stadium. She had a big surprise planned for Aaron and she definitely didn't want it ruined by him overhearing.

"And once the starting lineups are announced, he'll-" The guy stopped mid-sentence and his eyes widened as he stared over Maddie's shoulder. "Uh, I gotta go." He quickly spoke and scurried off into a doorway nearby.

Maddie turned around and saw Aaron standing behind her, watching suspiciously.

"Hey, Aaron!" Maddie tried to sound cheerful and stood on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek, but her height compared to his wouldn't allow and he didn't bend over as he normally did. She leaned back on her feet and looked at the ground, feeling rejected.

"What was that all about?" He questioned coldly, a very unusual tone that Aaron rarely used with her.

Maddie glanced at the door and turned back, "Oh, that? It's nothing. He just had some questions for me..."

Aaron scoffed, "Questions?"

"Yeah...questions..." Her mind searched for an explanation, but found nothing, "Well, I'd better get going and you have batting practice!" She managed to squeak out cheerfully and turned to step away.

A hand on her wrist prevented her from going very far, "Hold on a second, you're not going anywhere until you explain."

Maddie felt a pit in her stomach. Things weren't supposed to go like this. She hadn't planned for him to be so suspicious. "We're just planning a new promotion. Something about an event with the team wives. It's early in the works so we don't have many details yet."

Aaron's grip on her loosened and her hand slipped from his grasp, "A promotion?" Doubt dripped from his voice.

Maddie nodded, tensely. It killed her to lie to Aaron, but he would find out soon enough why. If all worked as she hoped, he would know later tonight during the game.

"Why are you lying to me, Maddie?"

The words stabbed her in the heart. She had hoped he would believe her, but he didn't, and hearing him speak those words tore her apart.

The coldness in his voice had been replaced with hurt and it only made her feel even worse.

Holding back the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes, Maddie managed to speak, "What makes you think I'm lying?"

Aaron sighed and averted his eyes from her gaze, "Come on, do you think I'm stupid? I don't even know that guy, but I've seen you with him so much. Only you. If this was really about some event, he would be with all the wives, but it's only you."

His words crushed her with every new one he spoke. It looked worse than she had realized, but Aaron was so wrong.

"Why, Maddie?" He turned to look at her again, his eyes piercing her.

"Why what?" She whispered.

"Why am I not enough?" Aaron's voice choked, "I know I'm gone a lot and being an athlete takes up so much of my time, but I thought you understood that. I know I'm not perfect, but I try and treat you like you deserve. Gosh, you deserve so much better. You deserve to have someone come home to you every night. You deserve someone who doesn't have such a grueling schedule. I'm sorry, Maddie. Maybe he can give you what I can't." His tone had completely changed from being hurt to being apologetic. He turned away to leave the room.

"Aaron..." she reached down and grabbed his hand, preventing him from leaving as the tears started to fall down her cheeks, "what are you saying?"

Aaron stared at the wall and clenched his jaw, struggling to find the words he was about to speak. "I'm saying if you need to be with a man who can be there for you..." he trailed off, unable to finish his sentence.

The tears were flowing uncontrollably now, "Oh, Aaron," Maddie reached up and pulled his face down so he was forced to meet her eyes, "I'm not cheating on you. I never could. You're everything I'd ever wanted in a husband and while I wish you were home more, I married you knowing what our life would be. I am the one not deserving of you." She let one hand rest on his face while the other grasped his hand.

"So what is all this about then?"

Maddie sighed and looked down at her feet. She hadn't wanted it to be like this and she had tried so hard to keep it a surprise, but she knew she couldn't get away without telling him, "Aaron, I'm pregnant..."

His eyes searched hers in disbelief, "Are you serious?" Aaron managed to whisper, his eyes beginning to water.

She nodded, "I didn't want to tell you like this. We'd actually been planning a surprise so I could announce it to you during the game, either tonight or tomorrow, but you had to go accuse me of cheating." Maddie playfully punched his shoulder and laughed.

Aaron chuckled and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close, "Sorry, but you have to admit I had reason to feel insecure."

Maddie pulled out of his grip and reached up to kiss him; this time he complied and stretched down to meet her. "Never. You never have to feel insecure."

He hugged her again and this time, his hand rested on her stomach, where their unborn child was beginning to grow.

Maddie sighed contently as she nestled closer to him. The night had not at all gone like she planned, but in the end, all that mattered was they were together, happy, and their future led to a new bundle of joy in just a few months time.


A big thank you to BravesGirl11 for the encouragement and inspiration! I used her idea so she deserves some credit! Check out her stories too! 😘

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