Giancarlo Stanton (Requested)

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~~Requested by @Chelsieeeee999 💕 hope you like it!~~

Chelsie cheered in the stands along with the rest of the crowd as her best friend, Giancarlo Stanton, crossed home plate. He had just hit a walk-off home run against the Mets to sweep the series.

Chelsie watched as Giancarlo was being interviewed on the sidelines and Christian Yelich and Dee Gordon snuck up behind him to give him a Gatorade shower. She smiled as he finished up the interview and was searching the stands for her.

She gave a small wave and his eyes darted over to her at the sight of the movement. A smile spread across Giancarlo's face and he held up both hands. 'Ten minutes. Meet me downstairs.' He mouthed and she nodded, acknowledging that she understood.

Giancarlo disappeared down the dugout steps and Chelsie made her way from her seat down to the clubhouse. She flashed her pass to the security guard, gaining access to the family section of the clubhouse.

Chelsie sat amongst a few of the wives and kids that waited for their husbands and fathers who were showering and doing post-game interviews.

A few of the women teased her and questioned her relationship with Giancarlo, but Chelsie assured them that they were just best friends. Sure, she found him attractive, but she knew he would never see her as anything more than a friend, so she had forced herself to suppress any feelings she had for him. So far, it was working, and Chelsie didn't want to do anything to jeopardize their friendship.

Players started to come out of the clubhouse and the crowd in the room began to dissipate. Finally, Giancarlo can out and smiled as Chelsie gave him a huge hug. "You did great today!" She told him.

He wrapped his arms around her, returning the hug, "Thanks. I did it for you, y'know." He told her.

Chelsie blushed and kept her face buried in his chest so he wouldn't see her cheeks flushing, "Yeah, I know I'm your good luck charm." She teased back. It was purely platonic, she reminded herself.

Giancarlo pulled back, "You ready to go?" He asked as he playfully threw his arm over her shoulder and guided her out of the room, towards the parking lot.

They went out to their favorite restaurant, the place where they hung out all the time. Sitting in their typical booth, Giancarlo and Chelsie talked about that night's game for a little bit, before changing the conversation topic. Somehow, they never ran out of things to talk about, even though they had been friends for years.

They tossed playful taunts back and forth, and anyone observing them would've classified it as flirting, but Chelsie knew better, and she wouldn't allow her mind to go there. The friendship was her priority.

Finishing up their meal, Chelsie looked at her watch and saw it was late, "We better get going. It's late and you should get some rest!" She told him.

Giancarlo laughed, "Chels, I couldn't sleep a second if I tried. I'd honestly rather go for a walk on the beach."

Chelsie sucked in a breath. She wanted to go, but knew he couldn't. "No, Giancarlo. You have a game tomorrow."

He laughed, "I'll be fine. I don't normally need that much sleep. I just really want to go to the beach."

"Okay, fine." She sighed, "I should be going home though..."

Giancarlo pouted, "Noo...I can't go by myself, Chels. I'd be lonely. Pleaaase?" He grabbed her hand and squeezed it as he begged.

Her heart skipped a beat. She knew she couldn't like him romantically, but he wasn't making it easy on her. "Fine! But only for a little bit! Then you have to get some rest!" She told him, raising her eyebrows.

He smiled at her agreement and winked, "Yes, mom."

She laughed at the though that she wasn't even just friendzoned, she was mom-zoned.

They went to the beach together and it was desolate, considering the hour at night it was. They walked towards the shore and Giancarlo reached down and grabbed her hand.

Chelsie's heart fluttered. She avoided eye contact and gazed out to to the horizon.

Giancarlo broke the silence as they walked along the edge of the water, "You're my favorite girl, you know that?"

She blushed again and gazed down at her feet, "You're my favorite guy." Chelsie responded, laughing and she nudged him.

"No," he answered, his voice serious, "I mean, like..." Giancarlo paused, unsure of how to continue, "You're the best girl I've ever met. I've never known anyone as special as you. I've never heard you say anything unkind to anyone. You're so talented at what you do. And not to mention, you're so beautiful."

Chelsie felt butterflies in her stomach at his words. She had never heard him say anything like that, much less to her, about her.

She felt his hand rest on her chin and pull her face up so he could meet her eyes. "I like you, Chels. A lot. I've been hiding it because I didn't want to lose you, but I can't keep it in anymore."

She had a hard time keeping his gaze, but she did. Her face felt hot and she knew she was blushing once again. "I do too, Giancarlo. I have for a while, but I hid it for the same reason."

A smile spread across his face and he pulled her into a large hug. She melted in his grasp and knew she could get used to this.

Giancarlo kissed the top of her head, "Does that mean you'll go on a date with me, as more than a friend?" He laughed.

She nodded, "Of course I will."

He smiled, kissed her head again, before taking her hand and leading her down the shore. "I'm so glad you feel the same way, Chels."

"Me too." Chelsie smiled. She finally didn't have to surprise her feelings anymore and her heart was overflowing with joy.

She was so ready for this.

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