Chapter 17

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Alli's POV.

Me and Jacky were headed to my house to get ready to make the move.
We've already made place for my things into his house, were going to get them and tell Ronnie. 

Jacky pulled into the drive way and shut off the truck. He looked over at me and them back at the house, "Are you sure he's here? I don't see his car." Jacky said looking around the place as he got out of the truck.
I hopped out on my side, walking over to him, "Yeah, I called him before we left. He said he'd be home. His car is probably in the garage anyways." I said and walked up to the house and up the small stairs.

I knocked on the door and seconds later Ronnie opened it, along with a very pretty Brunette.
"Alli! Alli's boyfriend!" Ronnie smiled. I chuckled and stepped in, Jacky just looked at Ronnie and narrowed his eyebrows. 
"Oh, Alli this is Crissy. Crissy this is my little sister Alli and her boyfriend who is also the guitarist for our band, Jacky Vincent." Ronnie said and Crissy smiled.

"Hi Jacky, it's nice to meet you again!" she said and reached out her hand, Jacky hesitated at first but slowly reached his hand to meet hers.
"Same.." Jacky said. He showed no emotion, he just looked at her.

I was confused. Did Jacky know her? Why is he acting like this? 

He pulled his hand back and kinda half smiled and looked away. She turned to me, "And Alli, It's so nice to finally meet you! Ronnie has said so much about you!" She squealed and pulled me into a hug. I let out a small laugh, and hugged her back. "Yeah! And he better have said good things!" I said and glared at Ronnie. He let out a chuckle and looked away and started talking to Jacky.

"Only the best, I swear!" Crissy said and smiled.
"Come on," she pulled me to the couch, "Let's talk"

I'm not saying I hate her, but somethings not right...
Ronnie walked over to us and sat beside Crissy putting his arm around her shoulders, while Jacky sat on the other couch in front of us and crossed his arms. 
What's wrong with him?

"Alli, you'd probably recognize Crissy from Austin." Jacky said and glared at her.
"Austin Carlile?" I asked. Jacky smiled, "Yes, one of your best friends!"

I looked over at Crissy, she looked annoyed but yet sad. But it was almost at if she was putting on.
"I didn't know you were with Austin.." Ronnie said and looked at Crissy.
"Well, yes. I was dating Austin for a while but something came up and we're no longer on speaking terms." Crissy said and Ronnie narrowed  his eyebrows, "Well, what came up?" Ronnie asked.
"Yes, Crissy. Tell us what came up?" Jacky smiled.
"It's nothing big. We just wern't meant to be. Dating him was just the worst mistake of my life." She said and I looked over at Jacky.

"I believe it was the other way around."Jacky glared at her.
"Alright uhm." I spoke standing up. "This isn't why we came here, Jacky. And I'd like to drop this conversation." I said and looked at Ronnie.
"I Um, I have to go. I'll call you later baby!" Crissy pecked Ronnie's  cheek and was out of the door before he could say anything to her. "Well, that was strange.." Jacky said.
"What the hell just happened?" Ronnie asked as he was very confused.

Whatever just did happen I'm going to find out. Just wait till I leave here! I'm going to figure how Jacky knows her so well and why he was acting like that.

"Anyways, what did you mean by This isn't why we came here?" He said, "Is anything wrong?" He asked concernedly.
"Well nothings wrong," I assured him and he relaxed. He sunk back into the couch, "Then what's up?" he asked. "OH MY GOD ARE YOU PREGNANT!?!?!?" he screamed and jumped back up.

I sighed and put my face in my hands. Jacky was laughing to hard to say anything.
"No I'm not pregnant, Ronnie." I said and Jacky contained his laughter to chuckles.

"Oh," he said and sat back down. "Why the hell you here?" he asked.

So loving.

"I'm moving out." I said.
"Oh you found an apartment?" He proudly smiled.
"Not exactly.." Jacky said. Ronnie looked at Jacky for a while, then back at me, "You're moving in with Jacky?" Ronnie asked and I nodded.
"Oh, well that's even better!" He smiled and hugged me.
"Wait, what?" I asked confused.

I'm seriously thought he would take this badly.

"Well, I mean. If you found a place it wouldn't be the same as it would with Jacky. With Jacky, You've got someone to keep you safe and to protect you. And I know he really loves you, and that he wouldn't let anything harm you." he said looking at Jacky.
I smiled, "So, you approve?" I asked slowly.
He chuckled, "Yeah. But Only because it's Jacky. I know he'll keep you safe." He said and looked at Jacky.
"Cross my heart!" Jacky smiled.

"So was that it?" Ronnie asked.
"Basically. I'm also gonna grab half my clothes." I said and Ronnie laughed. "Half of her clothes add up to both of our wardrobe!" he said to Jacky. Jacky laughed and we all stood up.


"It's actually pretty easy.." Jacky said from behind me. "Shut up!" I said and he chuckled.
Putting a key in a lock is very difficult for me..

"Got it!" I cheered. "Finally, I'm getting old here!" Jacky joked. I walked into the house and shut the door behind him, "Don't worry babe, You're already old!" I teased.
He looked back and glared at me and I giggled. I followed him up the stairs, he set my bags down in his huge ass closet and I jumped on the bed.

"Tired?" he asked and laid beside me. "Ehh, yeah but not really." I said.
"Hey Jacky what was that whole Crissy thing?" I asked. He rolled his eyes. "She was dating Austin as you knew, on tour. But about a week before tour ended he caught her in his bunk with some guy from a band. Then she stayed with that dude for a while and now I just saw her with Ronnie." Jacky said.

"Hmm." I said. He smiled, "Speaking of Ronnie, do you remember that thing he said?" He asked me. "About moving in?" I asked. "Noo, before that." he said and laid on his side to face me.

"About being pregnant?" I asked and he smiled. "Yeah." he said.
"What about it?" I asked and laid on my side facing him too.
"I don't know. Just. Have you ever thought about having kids?" he asked.
"Well yeah, I've always wanted a little girl." I said and he grinned.
"Will you have a baby with me?" he asked and propped himself up on his elbow.

"A baby?" I asked. "Yeah." he said and leaned down to kiss me.
"I don't know, I'd like to be married first." I said and he smiled. He reached over to the nightstand on his side of the bed, "Allisandra Casey Radke" he said, "Will you be my wife?" he asked and I smiled, "Aren't you nothing but surprises tonight!" I said and he chuckled. "Please?" he asked.

I smiled and picked up the ring, it was a beautiful Rose Gold with the perfect diamond!

"Yes!" I said and his eyes went wide, "seriously?" he asked and I nodded.
He leaned over me and started kissing me, "I love you so much, Alli. Thank you!" He said before giving me the most passionate kiss.
"So how about that baby?" He asked, I chuckled and he smiled.
"We can start early if you want?" I suggested and he smirked, kissing me again.


Yeah..okay that happened.
Anyway I'm SO SO SO SO SO SOS O O O OSSO OO sorry that I haven't posted in a while but hey thank you guys so much for 2k reads! Oh my god I didn't even think anyone would even read this fanfict when I posted it. Thank you!! And also thank you for all the votes!! It seriously made my night!! I love you guys! :)

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