Chapter 29

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Jacky's POV.

I packed the car in the hospital lot and Ron parked next to me.

I got out of my side and rushed over to Alli's side, helping her out.

She stumbled once her feet touched the ground and I caught her witch was probably a bad idea because I grabbed her sides and she screamed out in pain.

Derek said they would get the babies so I carried Alli inside and sat her down in a chair as I got a nurse.

I told him everything that happened and he brought over a wheel chair, we helped her in it and he walked over to the main desk and grabbed a few papers.

She grabbed my hand and I looked down at Alli and she has a tear rolling down her cheek, "I'm scared, Jacky." she said barely over a whisper.

I sat down on the edge of a chair and wrapped my arms around her without hurting her, "Everything's gonna be okay, I'll stay with you the whole time." I said and the nurse walked over.

"Okay I need you too fill these papers out, and I'll take you into a room," he said and fixed his hands on the wheel chair, ready to push her.

"But-" Alli said and a tear rolled down her cheek, I saw Derek and Ron walked in with the twins and I nodded over to them, "I'll get Derek to fill out the paper work. He knows almost everything about you." I said and stood up.

The nurse waited for me to hand he papers to Derek.

Derek didn't have a problem and he started right away.

"When you're finished hand it to that lady over there," the nurse said and Derek nodded, "Will do!"

Ronnie's POV.

Me and Ryan were walking back to the cars and I noticed that Ron and Alli's car were missing.

"Where did they go?" Ryan asked as my phone went off.

"It's Ron," I said and looked up at Ryan, "Put him on speakerphone." he asked and I nodded.

"Hey Ron, you're on speaker."

"Ronnie we need you to get down to the hospital," he said..his voice was calm but I was worried.

"Why what happened?" I asked as me and Ryan looked at each other as we waited for a response from Ron.

"It's Alli, she actually hurt."

"Okay we're on our way!" I said and hung up.

We both hopped in my car as I sped to the hospital.

I parked the car and we ran into the hospital.

"Allisandra Vincent?!?" I said to the lady at the front desk, "Yes she's currently taking x-Rays at the moment but her room number is-"

"Derek!" Ryan yelled and we ran over to him. He was bouncing Alex in his arms, tempted to calm her.

"Dude what happened?" I asked as Ryan rushed down the hall and stopping in front of a doorway.

"I don't personally know, Jacky said she was flinching when she got into the car and her whole left side was all bruised and he had to put on her seat belt for her." Derek explained .

"Come on, Ron's in the waiting room, were waiting for her doctor now." Derek said and we followed him into the room. Ron was sitting with his head in his hands and Jacky was cradling Andrew as he slept on his chest.

I noticed that there were tears leaving Jacky's eyes.

I've never seen him before. Only once and that was at their wedding when he saw here walking down the isle. Hell everyone was crying then.

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