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RAOK. Random Acts Of Kindness. Many kids at my school had been participating in the challenge, which compared to other internet crazes, was good.

But, like any other trend, there was a group of students who opted out, which included me. But, I never did the challenges anyway, as they just weren't my thing.

That being said, one particularly bad morning, I was running a bit late to school. Literally.

My body clock failed me, bringing me into consciousness only twenty minutes before my bus came.

Even though I went light on the makeup, (only applying concealer, foundation, mascara and eyeliner) by the time I was done that only left me seven minutes to get dressed, eat breakfast, and walk to my stop.

Seeing as I was in a rush, I only put on a short sundress with flip flops. At three minutes left, I was stuffing a fun size Kit Kat bar in my mouth while attempting to put my hair in a "purposely" messy bun.

At this point, I knew i wasn't going to make it to the bus stop in time, so I was sprinting the eight miles to school. I probably didn't  choose the best outfit for the day, but it was finals week and i could not miss my exam.

Miraculously, a blue Ford Focus pulled up to me. The tinted window slowly lowered to reveal none other than Principal Marshall herself. "Get in hon," she ordered. I happily complied. In the back of my mind, the pessimistic part of me was saying how this was just a kidnapper in disguise, but I ignored it.

Throughout the short ride to the campus, Principal Marshall explained to me how her emails this morning were flooded with positive messages because of RAOK and how she wanted to participate. She called me her "victim" of kindness and I giggled a little. I admitted to her how I hadn't done anything, and she told me I should.


During my second exam, I noticed the substitute crying. after i had submitted my test, I pulled out a pack of tissues, another Kit Kat bar, and paper from my bag. I remembered Principal Marshall's words and scribbled down a quick poem on the paper. After pulling out a ten dollar bill from my wallet, i carefully wrapped the items together and secured them with an extra hair tie from my wrist.

Quietly, I walked up to the sub and handed her the bundle. "Here ma'am. Feel better." She smiled at me, and gave me a hug, before I returned to my seat.


At dismissal, I spotted the substitute assisting a girl on crutches down a flight of stairs.

As I was getting on my bus, the girl on crutches beckoned me to sit next to her, in the front. "I thought maybe you'd want to sit in the front one day, since you are usually in the back." She told me.

I smiled at her Random Act Of Kindness.

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