More dares

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Recreate that photo above

Try and do a human pyramid

Roll a dice and if you get a 1 then you must show your butt for 10 seconds, a 2 is a wedgie for 10 seconds, 3 any dare that the group chooses, 4 get slapped on the butt ten times, 5 get a purple nurple for 5 seconds, 6 do all the dares

See who can hold their breath the longest

Get a swirly (that's a far level) if you don't want to do that then you must show your butt for 30 seconds

Run around your house once in just your underwear

Hey guys I can think of much, and most of this stuff is new challenges but same punishments or dares, I need new ideas give me some in the comments and I will place them up here if their good and they can be any dare if I agree

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2017 ⏰

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