Fear of the Book

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Voice: V

V: Go to your bag and open it...

"No" i said

V: Just do it...the book...get the book

" why?" I asked

V: because the information will help you solve your problem

"With the pain?"

V: yes my child...do it!

"I don't trust it"

I shaked my head and looked at my bag. I grabbed it and started to open it. I looked at the book and opened it. I can see writing and a few ripped paged. I looked threw the book and saw a map.

Pov Mr.Vance

I was taking to the other teacher from different schools. They were all vampires and they all had the same assignment. I looked at everyone and sighed.

"Why did we have to do this" Someone asked
"I don't know..." i said
" this is a bad idea you know...these are only kids and we dont even know if they have the power" a woman said
"We may have caused them there lives!" Someone else yelled
" we don't know that!" I yelled
" we do know and can't you see that none of them have the power....maybe the device was wrong" Someone stated

I was about to say something until stopped me. I crossed my arms and looked at everyone. We were talking about the power that one of the students may have. We all haven't seen the picture of the boy that died and caused this curse.

Pov Zane

I was looking threw the book and i can see so many things. i see so much writing in the book. I start to read the writing out loud. I was about to started i saw the dark magic coming out of me. I fell on my hands knees. I can feel the pain going threw my whole body. I couldn't feel anything at all. I started to cough and i felt like i was dying slowly. I saw Vylad enter my room and close the door. Once he saw me he froze and went to my level.

"Zane....w-w-whats going on?" He asked
"Vylad d-d-d-don't w-worry t-this i-is n-n-n-natural" i said
"No this isn't Zane...whats wrong"Vylad said

I started to cough more violently and then a few seconds after i started to cough a little bit of blood. I cover my mouth and looked at the floor.

"Zane!" Vylad cried
"Vylad....t-this....is....normal" I said
"Zane tell me the truth this isn't normal" Vylad said

The magic started to grow stronger. I can see the black magic grow thicker and thicker.

V: get the book....

"No" i said
"No what?" vylad said

V: thr book had a spell....use it now!

"No...i won't " I said
"You wont do what?" Vylad said

V: to stop the pain

"Vylad...get me that book" i said looking at it.
"This one" he said
"Yes" I said

He me the book and i opened it i look through the book.

V: Page 2 spell 4....us it to stop the pain

"Sana in corpore sicut ex virtute quam ego dico eaque i habere et dici" i said

It worked my pain started to go away slowly. I can see Vylad so worried about him. He hugs me tigh and punches me. I look at him and hug him back.

"Zane...what happened to you?" Vylad asked
"Nothing it's been happening so often..." I said
"Im just glad your okay" vylad said

I at vylad and he smiled and left me to recover from what happened. I looked at the book and saw what was in it. I look at the map some more and get my phone.


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