a legend that fears

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Pov Zane

Its been a few weeks since the dark magic thing. im kinda getting worried because i don't know if its normal. All my classmate buddys thing its amazing. I don't tho im worried that something will happen. I just don't know what tho. My powers have been going off lately. My visions stop working ever since the accident. My dark magic is started to apear at random times now. Great!. Sometimes i start to get pain everywhere in my body. I hate being like this because i have no clue whats wrong with me. Im at school in my final class with mr.Vance. It was 20 minutes in and 10 more until the school day was over.

"Okay everyone we are going to read a legend that may be true so please dont read the spells.." He sighed.
"Okay class"
"Yes Mr.Vance." we all said

Whats on the page

Long ago as darkness rained the sky there were people that were unfamiliar with vampires... Vampires were rare as we see them fading ...flesh and bones... One out of a million vampires have a special power that can't be concelled for long... Even tho they tried they can't due to the power levels they have...the vampires were always killed or went into hiding... A boy that was 1700 years old (or in this time 17) he had black hair and blue eyes... The boy had powers that couldn't be control... The village was ran by vampires but none of them know of that power...he keeped it a secret because he would be killed even if it was from his own kind... The vampire was jumped and his power was relieved... The pain of his powers going out of control was painful... He couldn't talk because it was to much to handle he kept on coughing blood and magic apearing around him. The towns people thought that he was going to destory the town...they tied him up and killed him...before he died his final words was a spell cursing everyone there. And saying that it was like a illness...as well of his spirits walking on this land today .. As the lengend states someone will get his powers that will be used for greatness or destruction... As he will chose his next person to contan his powers as long as they live...

End of Page

Everyone was silent and they were all scared. I wasn't scared because....i don't know it felt so...sad that they killed him. The Teacher looks at everyone seeing them scared but me. He gives me a look and starts to talk again.

"Class this maybe true but there's nothing to be afraid"
"Its been centuries maybe decades that he's been dead...he hasn't choosen anyone for that long" Mr.Vance said
"Please put away your papers and look at the board" mr.Vance said

He looks at the board and looks at everyone.

"These picture are real artifacts from the lengend...these are real so please stay with me...we are going to see the boy that was killed at the end" He said

Timeskip a few minutes

It's 5 more minutes till class ends and we only have two more pages. We all were taking notes about this and how it was important. After the second page he stoppd and looked at us.

"Class before we see the boy this is in color...back then vampire were more advance than humans... Next to it there will be the spell that he said....And if any of you say it...you'll be in major trouble...under stand"  he said
"Yes Mr.Vance" we all said
"I didn't make this flip chart as well...i recived it this morning  and i don't know how he looks like either" he said

The bell rang and everyone raced out. I sat there pulling my things away and i see Mr.Vance look at me.

"So did you enjoy the lessonn" Mr.Vance asked
"Yes it was interesting" I said
"So you were the only that didn't looked scared"Mr.Vance asked
"Yeah there was nothing to br scared about in my opinion..." I said

I got up and started to walk out he put his hand on my shoulder and handed me something. It was a old dusty book and he pushed me out of the classroom. I started to walk to my locker and i saw my friends there.

"Hey where were you?" Rosa asked
"Mr.Vance was acting weird" I said
"How?" Andrew asked
"I don't know he gave me an old look and gave me this book" I said
"Thats weird, but whats in the book?" lilly asked
"I don't know" I said
"Open it" Tony said
"Fine" I said

I was about to open it but it didn't feel right. I looked down at it and i kinda zoned out. Andrew starts to shake me and i look at them.

"Oh...sorry guys Zoned out" I said

We all started to laugh at each other. I jumped when Travis came up from behind me and grabbed my hips. By this point no ones in the hallways.

"Hey Zuzu~" Travis said
"Travis" I blushed
"Aww..." Rose,Andrew,Lilly and tony said

I was blushing even more because they were watching. I put the book infront of Travis and myself. I kissed me quickly and put the book down. They all started to say 'ohhhhhhhh'. There such kids but there my pups...

baby bats called"pups" HA i can use this words! Yes...

"So you gonna open the book now" Andrew said
"No" i said

I giggled and they were so mad at me. I looked at Travis and kissed him on the cheek and walked away.

Time skip again sorry

I hanged out with the gang a little bit and i was at home by myself after. I wasn't really home alone per say. I Vylad,Dante, Garroth and Laurance were in the house. Mom was working a lot more ever since that day. We all have jobs to help out but they aren't high paying as moms.

I was doing my homework and i kept on looking at my bag. I couldn't look away becuase something was calling me.

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