Map leads to Curse

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"Guys wanna go on a adventure"
"What" rosa said
"The book leads to something amazing" i said
"Okay lets go?" Rose said

At the park

I can see Rosa, Andrew, Travis and Lilly but not tony. I look at  Lily and she looked at me like i was crazy.

"Where's Tony?" I asked
"He got sick last minute by doing a online dare" Lilly said
"Thats sucks" Andrew said
"So whats this amazing thing were looking for" Rosa said
"There's something in this book that saved me and there's a map" i said
"Okay then where does it lead" Travis said
"We follow the book" I said

I opened the book and saw the map. It was all writen in Latin i guess the person whi wrote this book understood latin.

"What language is that?" Rosa asked
"I have no clue" lilly said
"It's Latin" I said
"You can read Latin?" Andrew said
"When did my zuzu~ learn how to read Latin" Travis said

I blushed and looked back at the map.

"where the old church is where you shall find a clue the oldest one here in this town" i read
"We find the oldest church?" Andrew said
"The oldest church is in the middle of the woods." Rosa said
"Lets go" Travis said

Time skip to old church

We walked to the entrance of the church. We opened the door and we saw paintings chairs and a silver cross like mines. I look up at it and started to walk around. I can see so mamy things on the walls. I find this book that has the cover of the book. I call everyone to come look at it. They open it and they found another clue. It was in English, thank god.

"Straight from here to this church you shall find where i was found"

"What does that mean" travis said
"We have to find where they left the next clue." Andrew said
"Yes, there is a clue but it something big" Lilly said
"Lets go" rosa said


We kept on walking straight and we found a old town. It was all broken down and rustic. I see so many things in this small town. I see a little stuffed bunny and i picked it up.


Houses burning down
People dying
*looks up*
"Daddy no!"
"Don't take away my daddy"
"He did nothing to you"
Little girl looking at someone being tied up
Waves good bye and runs
Something writen on the wall

'Your clue is there"

Vision over

I threw the bunny away and ran to the others. I see the place where that little girl was standing. Theres a pole there it looked like it been burnt a long time ago. There's a book at the bottom thats different than the one i have now. I read the cover and it says Annebell scott. The writing was from a very long time ago. I put the book in my pocket and looked at the pole.

Andrew Pov when zane found the bunny and on going

"Guys look what i found" I said
"What" Travis said
"Its a other clue" rosa said
"What does it say?" Lilly asked
"No it's a warning" Travis said
"Turn back...don't let anyone near the pole...don't let anyone find out the truth"
"What does that mean" I said
"The legend will come true don't you understand!" Rosa said
"If we find out the truth" Lilly said
"Where zane" Travis said

We all started to run around the place to find him. Travis knows about the lengend becuase we told him on the way.

"Wait the truth its the 'truth' its telling us to not let the person near the pole" travis said out loud.
"Guys i found him" lilly yelled

We all went after lilly and found him looking at the pole.

Pov Zane

I look at the pole and i wanted to touch it but i can't. I look around and see the guys. When i turned around i touched it with my foot. I stepped away and they ran to me.

"Zane! We have to leave now...the book is evil!" Andrew yelled
"What?" I said
"We need to burn the book now" lilly said
"We don't need to..we need to find annebell scott the owner of this other book" i said
"What!" Rosa yelled
"Im telling you that something about this legend isn't true...she's still alive she's some where back home" i said
" just don't touch the pole we found a warning" Travis said

We started to walk away and i felt dizzy. I looked around and thought i was going to be okay. I walked a little bit more till i stopped walking. I started to cough a little bit but i was fine. Then it go worse what happened to me with Vylad is happening now. This isn't good at all i can't fight it. I felt even more dizzy and almost fell but im alright. I can hold in the pain for a little more. Thinking about it isn't gonna help. I look at my surrdings and were near the church.The pain was unreal at this point. I started to cough blood and i fell to the ground. I was covering my mouth and everyone ran to me. I never told them about this ever...even Travis. They all rushed over to me and i looked at them.

"Zane what's wrong" Andrew asked
"Nothing...just..." I was coughing blood
"Zane your not alright theres something wrong" lilly said
"Im fine...this is normal" I said still coughing
"It isn't Zane! We know that this isnt you" Travis said

I started to get up slowly and said the latins words softly. I was healing slowly tho. I started to walk but i kept on stumbling. Travis came up to me and hugged me. He whipsered in my ear.

"I know you not"

I started to cry softly and hugged him back tightly. I looked at him and he wiped my tears away. I looked at travis once more and i kissed him on the cheek. He can always make me remember who i am.


Were all at the park and we sit down on the bench. I took out the book and looked at everyone.

"Tomorrow after school we need to find Annabell scott...she was the owner of this book that will give us answers" i said
"I don't think we should find her" Lilly said
"Thats a reason we should lilly! We can find out why mr.vance gave me this book" I said
"But the warning" Rosa said
"I don't carw about that warning
..i saw something and i need to find out what it meant!" i said
"But aren't you worried that something or someone can you know find us and probably kill us" Andrew said
"Yes but lets take risk! This is our final year before we become adults! This is the most exciting thing that happened to us" I said
"Thats my Zane" Travis said
"Lets do this guys" i said smiling
"Im in" Travis said
"Me too" andrew said
"More fun" lilly said
"You guys are crazy and thats why i love ya...but im recording everything...or maybe livestream" Rosa said

We all cheered and looked at each other. 

Now i know this year is going to be interesting. :)

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