Graduation pt 4.

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Pov Zane

This fucking kid is annoying me now and even his crappy boyfriend. Im bleeding now and i think i have little time.

"Zane! You can do it" they all screamed
"Stop fighting Zane" I said
" taking back my body" i said

This was like to be loved by other. It was like this the whole time. This is new to me. Looking at others trying to help him as best as they can. When i was alive no on cared about me. I only had one job and it was to keep Annabell safe. My cages finally break because im too weak to use magic again. Some of the kids are knocked out. Thank god it was the annoying ones.

"Robert your here" i said
"Yes i am now let the boy go" ge said
" i can't do that" i said
"Why not" he said
"Because i need to make you suffer" i said
"Why me" he said
"Your great (3x) father killed me" I said
"Before he died..... He told me that everyone that killed you were just scared of you" he said
"No they wanted me died for my crimes that i never did" I said
"Just dont do this" he said
"Everyone here will pay" i said
"No they won't dad" Annabell said
"What" I said
"They were scared, they wanted the best for everyone but they hated themselves for what they did" She said

I never wanted it to end like this becuase i still have work to do.

"Stop fighting me! You need t- Im not giving up" i said
"I will kill you if yo- just let me go" i said

This kid wants a fucking death wish already. I can't kill him or else it would kill myself. I see robert with someone that can get ride of my soul for good. I stepped back slowly. If he gets me i will lose all my power and died. I started to fight back and they pinned me to the wall.

"Let go of me!" I yelled
"No we need to save Zane" Someone said
"We need him to come back" Travis said
"You can't hold me down!" I said
"Yes we can" Someone else said
"You'll never get your zane back" I said

He injected something into my arm and slowly i started to disappear.

"Take care of this one boy" i said before disappearing forever
"He's strong......."

Pov Travis

"Zane?" I said

He didn't answer me and i kept on saying name. He wasn't responding. I looked at him and everyone thought he died.

"Zane Its me Travis" i said
"T-T-Travis" zane saif softly

Thank Irene he's alive.
I hugged him tight and turned out of my demon form so i wouldnt kill him. I hear the police and ambulance coming. We tied up everyone that was involed in this. We wouldnt tell anyone that annabell or Mr.vance was involded.

"Zane we thought we lost you" Rosa said
"We thought that he was gonna win" Lilly said
"Just thank Irene your okay" Andrew said
"That was the most instesting day I've ever had" Tony said
"Zane your okay" Vylad said
"Were so sorry" Garroth said
"It's okay guys" Zane said
"But now we know" Vylad said

Everyone came back to the sence and the place was a mess. We totally destroyed this place, But we saved so many people. The police came and was asking questions of what happened. We mostly lied so they wouldn't arrest Me Zane Annabell or mr.Vance. the rest of the people that were involed were.


"Students of PDH we are proud to tell you that you have finally graduated High school!" Mr. vance said
"We are all here to say good bye to all of you guys and your wonderful times we've been together, even with our lows we still had a great time this year" Mr. Vance said
"Now for our good bye speech by Zane ro'meave"

He went up and he was cover in bandages. We all clapped and we listens to his speech.

"The years that we've been here have been a blast at PDH. We had some lows in our life and some highs. We as graduates are ready to live our lives and have fun. Even tho this is our final goodbye. We are still a family in this school. We will all look back at this day or any day of when we were freshmen, sophmire, juniors and Seniors and say that this was the best year of our lives. Even tho today was very eventful we will all walk out and smile. Some tears will be shared and thats okay even tho we are just starting a new chatper.
What would be your choice to begin this new chatper. When you get home or see your mom dad friends tell them you love them for being everystep of the way. Once a Phoenix's always a Phoenix!"

I saw some people crying and even Laruance cried. I knew he had a soft spot.

We all went to the park.

I saw the police are drive by. I see Gene, Aphmau, Kai, Ein and Garte going to jail. Im so glad that this all worked out at the end.

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