The Chronicles Of The Sisterly Kind

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Name: Essie Summers

Age: 20

From: NYC, New York, moved to Edmond, Oklahoma when she was 8.

Looks: Blonde with electric green streaks, petite, super skinny, scars on her back, nose piercing, does henna for her friend and herself, is mute, abused by father, brother left for army, she put her sister in foster care, wears "punk" clothing.

Personality: Shy, introverted, calm (most of the time), socially awkward, emotionally fragile.

Likes: Her sisters, writing, books, silver (the color), Panic! at the Disco, My Chemical Romance, Avril Lavigne, Evanescence, All Time Low, music, cello, scary/action movies, Jenna Marbles.

Dislikes: Sluts (who doesn't!), Joel, food, romantic movies


Essie's POV

Daddy got drunk again. Almost one hour ago, he climbed up the stairs, and beat me for 10 minutes. Shorter than usual. So right now, I, 12 year young Essie Nicollet Summers, am running away. Cuz I'm going to be honest here, life sucks.

I know exactly where I'm going, too. I'm going to my BFF, Ryley's house. Her family already knows I'm coming. And I'm going to be free.

This beating, although short, is the most brutal I have ever received. He made me take my shirt off, then broke a beer bottle over my bare back, and I think he may have broken one of my ribs. It hurts to breathe. My lip is split, and my cheekbone has a bruise over it. He did a lot in such a short amount of time.

I grabbed my pillow, a blanket, a bag that contained the sentimental stuff, and a bag of clothes and other necessities. I put my ear to the door. I hear nothing but snoring. Good. I thought.

I slowly walked down the stairs, taking each step with care and

caution. I looked down. I'm on the second to last step. To freedom. To life. To love.

I take the last step...


My eyes widened. Dear sweet God, please help me. I prayed. I slowly looked up at my dad. He stirred. Oh, thank you, God! I thought. I walked over to the door, slowly turned the knob, then carefully pulled it open. I stepped outside. Despite my pain, this felt so good. I quietly shut the door behind me.

Freedom, I thought. I looked back at my house, the house I experienced so much of my pain in. Emotional and physical. Dad, I thought. Burn in hell. Then walked the quarter mile to Ry's house, to my new life.



Name: Ryley Johnson

Age: 19

Looks:Brown to blond ombre hair with baby blue dip dyed tips, 5' 5'' tall, skinny, scars on her wrists, thighs, and stomach.

Personality:Cray-Cray, Funny, Cool, Envious, Energetic

Likes:Youtube,Video Games, and Nutella

Dislikes:Her real family, haters, and life


It was my 15th birthday I was prepared for this and so was Essie. We were being kicked out. I had my 2 year old brother in hand and a bag of food and cothes and most importantaly my blade. We walked out. I looked back and flipped my parents off. I was tired of this shitty life. I had told my parents to burn in hell today. They deserve to die. We are going to get revenge on them for what they did to him. We were gonna come back even if it kills us. We will avenge my younger brother.

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