Chapter 2: Um WHAT?!?

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Hey yall! Its Raine! the other co-author of this fantabulous book! My username is RaineyDay27! Bajan and I take turns writing, so.... yeah. Hope ya enjoy!

~~~You jelly of the squiggles?~~~~~

After we got dressed, we went down to the pool. I needed this relaxation time. Ry did too. She lost an adorable brother. Sadly, she thinks it's her fault. Even though its not. It's her parents'. Rest in peace, Austin. I thought. We rode the elevator to the bottom floor, then dropped our towels on a table by the pool, took off our shoes and pants. When I looked up, I saw a BEAUTIFUL boy sitting with his friends. He looked up, and our eyes met. After about fifteen seconds passed, I blushed and looked down. Wow. Just, WOW. I shrugged it off and climbed down into the pool. i felt my shorts start to sag a little, and i looked down to pull them up. Oh, crap. I thought. The makeup washed off. which revealed our scars. We got on the first stair up, which revealed Ry's scars. And mine. Two of the boys pulled us up, the gorgeous guy and one of his friends, while the other got our towels. "Hey why do y'all cut?" Towel Guy said. "Well, I cut, Essie doesn't." RyRy said. I nodded and looked down. While TG and RyRy talked, I snuck glances at Beautiful Boy. The third time I looked up, I saw that he was looking at me too. I blushed and started to lower my head, he spoke. "Hello." Crap. I thought. I cant respond. I'm mute. I looked around. I don't know why. I didn't have my white board with me, and the only person who I can sign to is Ryley. Darn.

Ry saw me looking around, and signed 'What's wrong, Es?' I replied, 'Beautiful Boy is trying talk to me.' She laughed. 'Beautiful Boy, huh?' she said-signed. 'Ry!' I whine-signed. 'Ugh, fine.' she replied. "Hey Stephen." "Yeah?" he said. "Essie is mute," she explained. "She can't speak." he laughed. He has a nice laugh... "Well, that would explain all that ASL." My eyes widened. No pity. No, 'I'm sorry.' Woah. This guy... Nice. He turns to me... and freaking SIGNS! Again, mind BLOWN. He says, "Hey there, beautiful." and grins a magnificently goofy grin. I roll my eyes. "Hi." He laughs. "Well, I don't think you were listening much when Jerome introduced us, were you?" He asked. I shook my head. He nods. "That's what I thought. "Well, as you know, I'm Stephen. The guy right next to me is Mitch, and the guy next to him-" "Towel Guy?" I ask. He laughed. "Sure. 'Towel Guy' is Jerome." He says.

I frown. "You do realize that you could just talk and I could sign back, right?" "Yeah." he says out loud. "I just wanted to make you feel better." I smile a real smile. "Thanks." I sign.

"Ok, well, who's hungry?'' Mitch freaking JUMPS PUT OF HIS CHAIR, and screams "MEEE!" we all crack up (Yes, including me. I USED TO speak.) And make plans to go to the McDonalds after we shower and change and stuff. So Ry and I go to our room, and shower and change, (Seperately. Get your minds out of the gutter, pervs.) and while Ry is showering, I decide to do a little makeup, which I don't USUALLY do. I don't do it cuz A) I have a job to get to at 5. Who has time to do that. *in Sweet Brown voice* Ain't nobody got time for that! and B) IT FEELS FRIGGIN DISGUSTING! It feels like there is mayonnaise(hold the mayonnaise if you know where that is from I love you -Rikishay) (Damn it, Riki! Go to hell! This is my chapter! *pushes her out of a plane -Raine) caked on my face, no matter the amount I apply. Ew. So... yeah. I didn't put much on. Just CC Cream, brown eyeliner, blush (cuz I'm pale), and lip stick. Almost natural today. Just the way I like it. Here is what we wore:



I knocked on the wall outside I the shower. She peeked her head out of the shower. "What, Es?" She asked. 'I'm going to go to the McDonalds and wait, ok?' I sign. "Alright," she says. "Be careful, though." I smile and nod, then wave goodbye. I shut the door, then open the front one. Door, that is. And there, I see Stephen. Now, this is kinda important cuz, well... Over the 30 minutes we've seen each other, I've developed a minor- fine, MAJOR- crush on him. Sooo second grade.


(Yeah. Second grade. Ever heard of it? Also, what did I tell you about commentary on my chapters?!? Shoo, shoo! Back to the pit from which you came! - Raine)

'Hey,' he signs. 'Sup,' I sign back. 'Wanna go somewhere other than McDonalds?' he asks with a chuckle. 'Sure. I'll go tell-' 'No!' he says quickly. 'I mean- JUST you and me.' My eyes widen 'Um-'


Haha, cliffy! Sorry! Will she say yes? Or will she chicken out? Find out in the next chapter! See ya in chapter four! Bye Raineclouds!



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