Chapter 1: Barbados (By Rikishay)

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Me and my sister were just about to board the plane to Barbados to start off our journey. We are staying on each island for a week or two. We are going to Barbados first because on the first day we are breaking up with our no good cheating boyfriends. We found out they were cheating when they came up here for the summer. We went to the bathroom and found them making out with two blond sluts. We didn't break up with them then because we thought to attack them at a moment of suprise. They don't know we saw them with the blond sluts. They finnaly called our flight so we went onto the plane.


We finnaly landed in Texas. I spotted Andrew and Joel. Ugg those bitches. "Hey there they are!" I said to Essie. Essie is a mute. That means she can't talk. Her father abused her and her mom died, while her broher went to the army, then she took her sister to foster care. My family kicked me and my younger brother out at the ages of 15 and 2. Sadly he didn't make it ;_;. I was taken in by my new family which included a kind father and a loving mother. Ok back on track. Essie signed to me 'Those mother fudgers'. We walked up to them and said hey. "Andrew...Jole...we are breaking up with you dumb mother fudgers. You cheating backstabing bitches." I said to them. "Ok whatever get your own ride then bitches." they said. We walked away from them and called up a taxi. We told them to go to the La Quinta.Once we got there we paid the taxi driver our amount and went to check in at the La Quinta. We were on the 3 floor room 123. We unpacked everthing for the next week into our dressers. We then decided to go down and swim for a bit. they changed into their swimsuits (Essie and Ryley: On our way down we found some pretty good looking guys. One looked a little like me but it was probably just my iminagation. We walked out to the pool and jumped in. We forgot about our scars and all of the makeup came off of us. At that time those three boys came out here and saw. They pulled us out of the pool. "Hey why do y'all cut?" They said. "Well I cut Essie dosen't." I said. Essie just nodded and looked down. "Oh By the way I am Jerome, this is Mitch and this is Steven." Said the one that pulled me out. "You look familiar do I -erm- we know you?" I said. "I don't think so." Jerome said. "Oh I am Ryley, Ryley Aceti." I said. "Oh I am-WAIt did you say Aceti?"Jerome said. "Uh yah. Why?" I said. "My last name is Aceti." He said "Do you think we could be related? I know I had an older brother who got 'killed' in war but I never really knew him very well." "I was in the war. I had them send my family a letter saying I was killed so I could run away." "Sweet! Now I have a sister AND a brother!"


Hey guys thanks for reading this chapter. This was written by IloveBajanCanadian or Rikishay. Smack that vote and follow button with your zambi arm and I will see you guys later. Zambi Out!

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