Chapter 3 Trip To McDonalds

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A/N Hey y'all Riki here and I am here to present to you..........CHAPTER 3 YAYAYYAYAYAY!!! OK So ya bye!


<Ryley's POV>

(What Ry is wearing

Once I got dressed I met up with Mitch and Jerome in the lobby but I didn't see Essie or Stephen. Hmm I wonder where Essie and Stephen are. I thought "They went somewhere else."Said Jerome "I said that out loud didn't I?" I asked. "Yup!" Said Mitch. We went out and started our journy to McDonalds. Now since it is always my job to wmbarrase everyone nd make awkwardness I wispered to Mitch my plan. He nodded his head yes so...I started my plan to embarras Jerome. "1,2,3." I counted aloud for Mitch to hear. When I hit 3 we screamed "I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKINGBALLLLLLLLLLL!!!! I JUST CLOSED Y EYES AND SWUNG!!!" I lookeed back and Jerome was stuck in a facepalm and just acted like he didn't know us. So I shouted HEY JEROME COME JOIN US!!!!" He looked at us then shouted " I DON'T KNOW THEM!!" and tried to walk away but I pulled him to me and Mitch and yelled "HE IS MY BROTHER!!!!" Man do I love embarrasing people. I thought. "Now Jerome and Mitch lets go to McDonalds!" I said running to the McDonalds that was a block away. I ran and ran until I was there and when I got there I waited for Mich and Jerome. Once they got here I turned and ran into a brick wall. Yup it hurt "Lol nice one Ry."I heard Mitch say. I blushed and got up. I might possibly have a little crush on Mitch. Ok It is huge. I looked down at my knee and noticed it was beading. I just said "Lets go boys Ryley is HUNGREYYYYY!" We walked in and orderd. I got a 20 piece mcnugget dealy the person gave me some preatty nasty looks but any way while Jerome and Mitch got hamburgers. We all ate and I was still worried about Essie and Stephen so I decided to text Essie.

<Text Convo>(E=Essie R=Ryley)

R- Hey bby where r u I am getting nervous are u ok? (No Homo)

E-I am at the hotel. Me and Stephen just got back. Yes I am Ok bby (No Homo)

R-Ok be here soon I want to know al about it when I get back bby (No Homo)


<End Of Text Convo>

We were heading back when I checked the time. It was 4:45...wait...OH SHIT I FORGOT I HAVE WORK!!!!!! I said quickly "Hey gtg guys I have work BYEE!!" I sprinted to the hotel and quickly changed. (What Ry is wearing now I texted Essie.

R-Hey where r u bby


R-Ok Stay there be there in a sec.

I Sprinted out the door and outside to see Essie getting in a taxi. "ESSIE WAIT!!" I screamed and did a ninja rool into the car. I landed on Essie in the car. MY butt o her face. "You are lucky I don't halft to fart." I said to Essie as I was getting off of her. THen we told the taxi man where to take us. Of we go.


A/N Thanks for reading this chapter I now haft to leave for softball practice so yah BYE!!!!

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