A/N from Raine

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Hey hey heyyyyy sexies! Are you having a beautiful day? Remember, no matter what anyone says, you are perfect!

So, I need to apologize to all of y'all. It was really rude if me to just put the book on hold while it was on my part. I just needed to kind of do somethings on my account, too.

I know it was horrible, and rude, and selfish, and overall, just inconsiderate and awful. I regret it, and I'm sorry.

I'm also sorry for being a bitch. To y'all and Riki. I didn't put her needs into consideration either. I'm sorry for being a bitch.

So, I'm sorry for being a selfish bitch and rude.

Will you find it in your heart to forgive me?

Thank you.

With love and many apologies,

Raine Lavigne.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2014 ⏰

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