Chapter 4: Chinese Food and Blushing

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Raine here! How are y'all? Ya good? Good. I am too, lol. Ok, I got someone I MUST thank for her follow AND vote! She is a remarkable young lady by the name of blackwido22. What a badass. For real. Any who, lez get on with the story, shall we Raineclouds and Zambies? Shall we??? We shall!!!


'Hey,' he signs. 'Sup,' I sign back. 'Wanna go somewhere other than McDonalds?' he asks with a chuckle. 'Sure. I'll go tell-' 'No!' he says quickly. 'I mean- JUST you and me.' 'Um- like a date?' I ask shyly, then look down. "Uh, sure." he says out loud. 'Well....' I start to sign. I look up at him a little. Can I trust him? Is he taking me on a real date? What's going on! Okay, Essie, calm down. You are FINE. No one is going to hurt you here. You left that life. He isn't here with you anymore. I'm okay.

"Essie," he says to me. "Are you ok?'' he lays his hands gently on my shoulders. His rough, callused thumbs rubbed my collarbone. A blush lit up my features. Suddenly, the ratty, red carpeting of the creaky floor became really interesting.

"Essie." he says firmly. I look up at him. He raises a hand. I flinch. He frowns and brushes a strand of stray hairs behind my ear. "Why did you flinch?" he asks softly. Does he really NEED to know? I mean, come on, I just met this guy, what, 2 hours ago? I don't think so. I think not. 'Human nature, I guess.' I signed with a shrug. He scoffs. "No, Essie. Human nature is flinching when someone is about to hit you. Not when I brush your hair away from your face." I look down. He has THAT tone. The angry tone. "Is someone hurting you? Is Ryley?"

'No.' I said truthfully. She really didn't. If anything, she fixed me when I was at my most vulerable point in my life.

He sighed. "Well, since you won't tell me, you must come eat Chinese with me at my place."he says, smiling. 'But-" I began. "But nothing. Come on." I shook my head violently. "Yes. Now get your whiteboard and come on. Now." I nodded. I opened the door to our room, and realized that Ry was still in the shower. Jeez. Long shower much? I walked out and shut the door behind me."Now, do you like chow mein, or orange chicken?" 'Both,' I responded. "Ooh, she's a both kind of girl, is she?" I rolled my eyes 'No derp, idiot.' I signed and rolled my eyes. We started walking. Soon, we were almost to the lobby.

We started joking around, and started pushing each other. We started walking to the Chinese restaurant. We kept on pushing each other, and I pushed him really hard, and he fell. In his way down, he grabbed me. We fell onto the side walk, and he had turned so he was on the bottom, and I was on the top. My eyes widened.

I tried getting up, but he held my waist. I braced my hands on his chest and tried to push myself up, but he tightened his grip. So, basically I was on top of him, with my hands on his chest, my face over his, on a public sidewalk. Great. I thought sarcastically. "Oh, Harold! Look!" I heard a hushed whisper say.

We both turned our heads to a park bench, where a couple who looked to be in their seventies sat. They sat side by side, their arms linked together. She pulled at his arm a bit, and they both looked over at us. "Isn't that sweet! They're in love!" she sighed. I blushed an looked down at Stephan.

He was avoiding eye contact, and I saw a pinkish tint on his face. "Now, Edith, let's leave them to enjoy their evening." he says to his wife. They both smile at us. We smile and wave. I suddenly feel tired. I feel too weak to hold myself up, then my arms collapse, and my head falls onto his chest.

"Essie? Are you okay?" I yawn and nod against his chest. I feel my face warm, as I realize I'm lying against his hard, warm chest. I sigh. This is kind of nice. He sits up, then adjusts his arms, so that he is holding me bridal style, then pushes us up, still holding me.

I close my eyes, and fall asleep as he sort of rocks me, walking back to the hotel, then I realize something.

We didn't eat dinner.

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