watching a horror movie!

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Komari: Hey guys let's watch a horror movie!

Quake: but we don't have any money..!

Ice: Tok aba has money but we can't spend it...

Komari: don't worry I have a pack of horror movie in my room let's watch!

Thunderstorm: a horror movie.... *Shivers*

Cyclone: why scared? LOL XD

Thunderstorm: umm. No! I'm not scared I'm man!

Komari let's watch it in my room at night!

Blaze: count me in!!!!

Ice: hey shut up blaze!

Blaze: sorry..!

At night...

Solar: hey guys let's go!...

Thunderstorm: oh I'm not going..!

Blaze and cyclone: we knew it that thunderstorm is a scardy cat!.. hahahaha we thought your a man hahaha

Thunderstorm: what I'm a man let's go! (In his mind) "for goodness or I'm gonna die by watching that horror movie huhuhu" (T^T)

At komari's room...

Quake: hey Komari were here!

Komari: Yay your here! Co'mn! Let's watch!

Ice: okay if someone don't wanna watch it I'm going to froze their feet!

Thorn and blaze: froze them FROZE THEM!

Solar: you know you 2 will froze your feet too...

After ice froze their feet...

Thunderstorm: *shivers* I........I.....I'm........g..g.g...gonna.....d....d.....die.. 

Cyclone: hey blaze look..! *Points to thunderstorm*

Blaze: *gigling* omg I knew he is scared...!

31 minutes later...

Komari: here comes the scary part!

After the boboiboys said that Komari said the *scary part*  and they screamed like a little girl LOL!

Thunderstorm: Aaaaahhhhhh!!!!!! *Faints* (×-×)

Ice: o my f*ck you ihwgadvihavcajhhasvlhfv *Faints too* (×^×)

Solar and Thorn: *hugging each other* (T-T)

Quake: *hugging Komari*

Komari: hahahaha scaredy cat! Ahahaha

Blaze and cyclone: *already fainted* (ו×)

After the movie ended...

Komari: hey that movie was so aswome right guys!.. guys?

Komari saw all the boboiboys is asleep...

Komari: o my this is gonna take forever...

Komari carried thunderstorm to thunderstorm's bed
Thunderstorm: I'm gonna have nightmares....!

Komari: I know your scared. *Smiled*

Komari carried ice to Ice's bed

Ice: I think I'm not gonna sleep tonight.... Because of the movie... (0^0)

Komari: because your scared so go to sleep...

Komari carried blaze to blaze's bed

Blaze: ... Ghost! *Goes to sleep already*

Komari: I think your gonna have nightmares every night cause I was the one who watch the scraiest movie that we watched. *Smiled*

Komari carried cyclone to cyclone's bed

Cyclone: you are a bad person... You watch a scariest movie.. (o-o)

Komari: hey I want to okay..! So good night sleep tight don't let the bedbugs​ kill you~!

Cyclone: and now your making me have nightmares...

Komari carried Quake to Quake's bed

Quake: your not gonna make me sleep...

Komari: don't make big sis kill you...! *Hold a knife full of blood*

Quake: ok ok I'm gonna sleep now Zzz Zzz Zzz *already asleep*

Komari carried solar to solar's bed

Solar: ....... I think I'm gonna die.....

Komari: your just dreaming a killer again~ just go to sleep or the killer will kill you.. solar. Solar?

Solar: Zzz Zzz Zzz Zzz Zzz *already asleep*

Komari: maybe his scared that what I said *smiled*

Komari carried thorn to Thorn's bed 

Thorn: ... Zzz Zzz Zzz Zzz Zzz *already asleep*

Komari: hehe huh? *Turn around and see cactus* cactus?

Cactus: meow~! *Went near to thorn and sleep beside him*

Komari: aww~ their so cute..! Good night thorn and cactus~


Komari: morning guys!

The boboiboys: morning!

Komari: so what for breakfast?

Quake: pancakes!

Komari: pancakes?

Cyclone: yup!

Ice: hey why did you say that she will go crazy!

Cyclone: oops! My bad.! Ehehehe

Komari: Pancakes!!!!!! *Runs out of the house and shouts* PANCAKES!!!!

Quake: haya....! If you said Pancakes she will go crazy..!

Komari: PANCAKES!!!


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