Chapter 2: Where Every Journey Goes

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Brand, wearing a dark blue shirt with black jogging pants, stood at a window overlooking a large section of the campus. Smiling, he turned his attention to the night sky. The stars scattered throughout the endless black with their bright glow.


Turning around, he found Ruby behind him wearing a black tank top and rose patterned pants. She held a towel on her head and her hair was clearly wet.

"What are you doing here?" Ruby asked.

"Just admiring the view." Brand looked back at the sky.

"By the way, sorry for ditching you and Jaune earlier."

"Hm?" Brand faced her. "Oh! Don't worry about that! Jaune and I got along surprisingly well..."

"I'm glad." Ruby smiled.

Brand paused before speaking again. "Say... Ruby, you said you're from Signal, right?"

"Yeah, I am. Why?"

"I'm actually... from Signal as well."

Ruby gasped. "Hold on..."

Dashing forward, Ruby stared him in the eyes. Brand on the other hand was forced onto the windowpane.

"Uh, Ruby?"

"Nope. I don't remember you."

Brand rolled his eyes. "I don't think I remember you either."

"That must be because you were a year ahead!" Ruby said gleefully.

"Uh, how-"

"Ruby?" A blonde girl wearing an orange tank top joined them on the balcony. "There you are."

"Oh, Yang!" Ruby said gleefully.

Yang looked at her then looked at Brand. "So... wanna introduce me?"

"Oh! Yes!" Ruby cleared her throat. "Yang, this is Brand! Brand, this is my sister Yang."

"Hi." Brand nervously waved.

"He's from Signal too."

Yang let out a loud gasp. "Oh really?! Which class were you under?"

Brand processed his thoughts. "Oh... uh, Mr. Branwen's, I think his name was."

"Qrow?! He's actually our uncle!" Yang smirked.


"Yeah..." Ruby scratched her head.

"We were in the same year, right?" Yang asked.


"How come I don't remember you from graduation? I'm pretty sure I would recall your name being called out."

Brand looked down. "I..."

'That's right... I left before my last year. Of course she doesn't remember me.'

Brand didn't finish combat school. He didn't have a graduation for his accomplishments. The three years he spent at Signal were spent alone. He might have remembered Yang as well as the rest of his class if it wasn't for the fact that he always stayed unnoticed and distant.

"Brand?" Ruby looked concerned.

Brand noticed that his hands balled into fists. Looking at the sisters and looking back down, he dashed away.

"Brand!" Ruby shouted.

"What's with him?" Yang asked.

"I don't know..."

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