Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

        Hannah's POV

         I suddenly heard banging on the treehouse door. Could Kylie have gotten here already? Just when I was getting up from my chair, the door flies open. "Good, your here" Kylie says as she walks in. I gape, and I snap out of it, "How did you get here so fast?"

"It would be best if I showed you outside, in the forest,"

"Why in the forest?"

"You'll see"

She led me outside and into the woods until I could just baely see my house.

"So what do you need to show me?"

Instead of answering me, she did something I would of never of guessed she would have done, she started stripping.

I shriek "What are you doing!"

Again, no reply. She then turned into a large, silver wolf, about the same size of the wolf in my dream. As soon, as I proccessed what was happening, I screamed, and I ran. I could hear her start to run after me, and in a few seconds, her breath was on my neck. By that time, my legs ached, and my lungs burned. Suddenly, I tripped over a tree root, and again, I could feel her breath on my neck.

Then after a few seconds, she says,"There was no need for you to scream, I would never hurt you."

"Ya, thats what the monster says in movies before they kill them"

"Do you think I'm a monster?" I could hear the hurt in her voice.

"I don't know what to think right now. What are you?"

"I am a werewolf, and at midnight, you'll be one, too."

"WHAT! Are you going to do something to me to make me like you?"

"You are born one, all I'm going to do is help you shift."

"Have you known all along what we are?"

"I found out on my sixteenth birthday, like every other werewolf"

As I lay there on the ground, I was trying to keep up with all of what was being said, and I could just barely proccess it all. My best friend is a werewolf, she says I am a werewolf, then my mother must be a werewolf. Just as I thought of her, I saw another wolf, bigger than Kylie as a wolf, and its fur was silver with streaks of black.

I turned and looked at Kylie, but she wasnt looking at me, she was staring at the new wolf.

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