Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Hannah's POV

Ugh, where am I? What happened? All I know right now is that I'm in the hospital, and I have bandages on my arms, legs,face, and basically everywhere. Then everything that happened flooded into my memories. The pack meeting. Mark. Explosions. Fire. Wolves. Fear crept into my thoughts as I wondered how I got here, and where is everybody else.

Then a nurse came in followed by my mom, Kylie, Mark, and a few other people. Kylie hugged me lightly and whispered "I'm so glad you're okay" then everyone sat down in a chair that surrounded my bed.

"Hannah, do you remember what happened at the pack meeting?" and I slowly nodded my head.

"Hon, you've been passed out for two days," my mom added, "and the wolves that attacked us are of those of a neighboring pack that declared war on us."

"Why did they declare war on us?"

"They feel that we have too much land and wanted some of our land, but we wouldn't give it to them. So when we had the pack meeting, we didn't guard the borders, so they got in," she finished.

"How long will this war last?"

"Until one pack gives in, or one is obliterated."

"What happens when one pack is defeated?"

"The people either become slaves, part of the pack, or dead. All the land then becomes part of the conquers land. These people wouldn't waste their time on slaves, nor would they welcome us into the pack. If we lose, we all die."

My eyes widened so much they may as well have fallen out, and my mouth dropped, so pretty much looked like a gaping idiot. Then a thought occured to me,"How come you all aren't in bandages?"

"We heal way faster than humans, a simple scratch would heal in seconds, burns would heal in a matter of minutes, depending on how severe."


"One thing we have to do is get you to stand up," and instead of me standing up myself, my mother pulled me by the arm and lifted me out of the hospital bed.

"What are," I got cut off as my mother closed her eyes, and I felt a sensation that I was being lifted off the ground. Once this feeling passed, I got up, but on all fours. As it turns out, I became a huge,white wolf. Every sense felt like it was times ten so I heard everyones gasps. I didn't know why everyone was so surprised. I then knew when Kylie whispered"She's the prophesized white wolf."

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