Luffy Turning Mute

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Luffy Turning Mute

Ah~ What a beautiful day. The bright sun suspended in the sky shining down upon the calm, skipping water below. Not a cloud in sight; Not a sound to be heard-


...Or not.

"Luffy!" A raging woman yells at the top of her voice, causing a young man, who was currently having fun running around the Merry Go, laughing to no end, to stop dead in his tracks.

"huh? What is it, Nami?" The word 'innocent' is probably the best way to describe the face Luffy was making. Big, innocent eyes with an ear to ear smile. His one-of-a-kind trademark smile. But Nami just shoved all of this out the window.

"I've had enough of you! Can't you just be quiet for ONE SECOND?!" By now, Luffy was sitting on his heels knowing not to enrage Nami even further. It could cost him his life.

"Sorry." Deciding that was enough, Luffy got up ready to go see where Usopp and Chopper were. Unfortunately, he didn't get far.

"And where do you think you're going?" Luffy gulped. He could already feel the dark aura around Nami, which made the temperature drop, sending a cold shiver racing down his spine. "I'm not having you running around annoying everyone anymore!" With that, the oranged-haired lady was dragging the Captain to the men's quarters. She threw him in, knowing it wouldn't hurt a rubber-man like him. Luffy looked up at the money-loving pirate, confused at what she was trying to do.

With all the racket going on, Sanji had taken a look around the door to see luffy being pulled over to the men's quarters. 'What's he done now? Oh! Nami-swan looks so cute when she's angry!' with an heart repleacing his eye, the cook continued to watch the scene play out.

"Ero-cook." Zoro Mumbled under his breath as he saw the cook pop round the corner, his eye turning to a heart at the sight of Nami. He could already imagine what the swirly-brow was thinking as he did his noodle like dance. The swordsman had also been watching the little conversation between the 'witch', as Zoro called her, and the idiot.

Meanwhile, Usopp and Chopper had been hiding behind the tangerine trees' to try and not get near Nami. Fearing for their lives as they prayed for Luffy's, who was not in a good situation.

"Listen, Luffy!" The woman yelled. Never leaving eye-contact as she spoke. "From now on, I forbid you to talk, make a single noise or even step out of this room for two weeks! You hear?!"

"But, Nami!" whimpered the straw-hatted boy.

"No buts! One more noise and you'll only got one meal a day brought to you!" Though it seems harsh, Nami simply couldn't take anymore. She just wanted peace and quiet for once!

"What?! No, Nami!" The boy had to get out of this one-sided situation. And only one meal a day? That's torture!

"That's it! Now you'll only get one meal a day! Speak again and I'll make it worse!" Nami wasn't going to back down.

Luffy immediately clammed up. Making it worse meant eating nothing a day! He'd go crazy!

After noticing that Luffy wasn't going to say any more, she slammed the hatch to the men's quarter's and proceeded to the galley.

She had gotten what she wanted; But wasn't this taking things too far?

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