That Smile

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That Smile

Hello, this is the last chapter of Taking Things Too Far. Sorry for the delay on this one! Homework's been a pain, Hope you enjoy! R&R plz!

"We're under attack"


"Damn! Why now?! I'm tired!" yelled an annoyed Nami.

"Well, it doesn't look like they're gonna stop," simply said Zoro as, yet again, another cannon hit the water nearby-too-close; Causing ripples of the clear liquid to flee away from where it had landed. "They're coming closer." He added.

The unknown pirate ship slowly grew closer to the Merry Go. Once only a few meters away, a person with a top knot hair style, samurai outfit and a light looking katana strapped to his waist stepped out in front of a crew of about 100. The ship was probably 3X that of the Strawhat's one.

"Fellow pirates!" he shouted; catching the crew's attention. "We, the Samurai Taiyou, challenge you, the Mugiwara no Ichimi, to a duel!" As he finished, his crew, the Samurai Taiyou, cheered; raising their weapons in the air.

"A duel?" asked Usopp.

"That's right! I'm Shibuya Saiyori! The captain of my crew! Do you accept our challenge?!"

"We have no reason to decline." said Sanji as he looked at the other four. They all looked as if they didn't care whether they accepted or not; they just wanted to go back to sleep.

"Good! Then, meet us in a week's time at the next island's town! There we shall meet again!" The ship started to sail off. "May the strongest claim victory!" The ship sailed into the distance.

"...Meh". Everyone went back to bed.

*Next Day*

The crew all woke up with a yawn; still tired. But they got up and did their usual jobs anyway.

Sanji started making breakfast.

Nami checked the Log Pose to be sure that they were sailing on the right course.

Usopp carried on making a new invention; waiting for breakfast.

Chopper watched in awe.

Zoro was being Zoro and taking a nap on deck.

And Luffy was currently staring at the ceiling; like usual. In fact, it was so normal now that at some point it had become rather entertaining. Sometimes, he would try to count all the lines, "1,6,4,9..." and end up failing. However, little did he know, the crew were about to give him some important news on what had happened last night...

*Six days later- Day of the fight*

The crew could see the next island in sight; as well as their battle to come.

Surprising, isn't it? Even while being tired at the time, the five pirates had remembered the duel that they had agreed to. They had also explained what was happening to Luffy the day after. The face they were given was defiantly one that said, "I wanna go too!" But they knew he wouldn't; *Sigh* Challenge and all.

Anyhow, once the crew reached land, they told Luffy "be good" or "Don't do something stupid" then hopped off the boat and headed to the islands town; only town. If fact, they island was actually quite small. The islands name is "Tsuki to Hana*" making it seem like the perfect place to relax and watch the stars or peacefully look at the clam flowers; not for a duel.

But in any case, they five pirates continued to stroll on towards the town. They could see it in plain sight. Even so, Zoro headed in the other direction.

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