Neko Luffy!?!

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Neko Luffy?!

"It's been a whole week now..." said Usopp. Mostly talking to himself.

"Why don't we just force him to come outside or speak?" Sanji proposed as he placed a plate of buttered bread down onto the table.

"You saw his face. That said it all." said Zoro.

Sanji just grunnted at the fact marimo was right.

The weather today is fine. Not really sunny; because of all the clouds', but at least it wasn't raining.

"I'll go give Luffy his share." Exclaimed Usopp as he picked up the plate Sanji had just finished putting together.

"Ah, thanks." Replied the cook as he pulled out a cigarette at the same time.

Usopp exited the galley and headed to where Luffy was.

He opened the hatch and jumped down. "Luffy?" He called. He couldn't see the mentioned anywhere. "Oi~! Are you hiding~?" He asked, walking forward while looking around to try and catch a glimpse of his captain.

In which he did.

A pile of Luffy's clothes were lying on the floor in the corner of the room.

Usopp's eyes widened as he saw something moved from underneath them and the fact Luffy was gone. He fell onto his but with a-


The rest of the crew stopped what they were doing when they heard the Sharpshooter's scream.

"What's wrong with him?" questioned Sanji, looking at the door.

"Who knows?" Nami said as she turned to the next page in her book; continuing what she was doing.

Zoro didn't say anything. He just placed his arms behind his head with a yawn.

Chopper, however, was panicking. "What if it's serious?!" He shouted running in circles.

"Calm down, Chopper." Sanji reassured. "There's no wa-"


The crew's heads' shot up. And just like before, they ran for the door, raced down the steps and flung the hatch to the men's quarters right open.

The first thing they saw was Usopp on the floor, while trying not to drop the plate of food. The other thing they saw was exactly what Usopp had: A pile of Luffy's clothes.

"Oi, Usopp! What's going on?!" yelled Zoro. Who was extremely confused with this situation.

"I-I don't know! I came in here and this is what I found!" He then pointed at the pile of clothes. "B-But...There's something under them!"

"What? Under them?" asked Nami as she stared hard at the pile. The others did the same.

It moved, again.

"AHHH! It really did move!" Nami took a step back in case something jumped out (which probably wouldn't happen). And Sanji, being the man he was, jumped in front of her to protect her if something really did.

Chopper then noticed that his medical bag near his hammock was open. As well as a bottle of pink liquid, which the liquid should be inside of, now empty.

Sweat began to rapidly roll down his face. He knew what had been in there... 'My experimental drug...!'

The little doctor quickly turned and dashed towards the pile in the corner and the 'whatever is was' that's under it.

"Oi, Chopper! What're you doing?! It might be dangerous!" yelled Usopp. Trying to warn his friend of the danger he was him. If there was any that is.

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