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Luffy has entered the fourth day since his now called 'challenge' had started.

The crew's jaws nearly hit the floor at every passing day. Mainly because Luffy hasn't said a word, gone out of the room or even somehow tried to gesture saying "More food" at all!

But it was obvious that the crew had started to miss his smiles and laughs.

Dinner was ate in silence that night. Not having Luffy around just wasn't the same.

"I can't believe Luffy has already stuck with this for four days!" Usopp had pointed out the obvious. They all couldn't believe it.

"He isn't planning on giving up, is he?" Chopper mumbled while looking at the floor. He gritted his teeth, "Luffy shouldn't have to do this!" The crew all stared at chopper, who immediately pulled his hat further over his head, trying to hide from the glares.

'Chopper...' thought Usopp as he decided Chopper was right. He stood up and slammed his hands flat on the table, resulting in a few flinches from Nami and Chopper. "He's right! Just because he was having fun doesn't mean he needs to do these kinds of things!" The room went silent. He turned to face Nami. "Nami!"

The orange-haired woman let out a sigh of defeat. She had to admit; She did feel a bit guilty. After all, every now and then, she could clearly hear what was Luffy's stomach screaming for food. And she felt that seeing Luffy quiet and lonely just didn't feel right. "Fine, he can stop following those rules."

Chopper and Usopp Jumped in the air then started running around in circles yelling "yay" and so on.

Zoro smirked and Sanji was swooning over Nami saying things such as "Nami-swan's so kind!"

The swordsman yawned as he decided he might as well go to sleep, and tell Luffy the good news at the same time. With that, he left for the men's quarters. Once he had entered the room, he turned to see Luffy. He was currently facing away from Zoro. "Hey! Luffy!" He called to get the young man's attention. "Nami's said that-"He stopped his sentence midway as he saw Luffy starting to wobble slightly. "Oi, Luffy!" He quickly ran over to the boy's side.

Having noticed Zoro's presence, he soon got his balance back. He saw a worried look on the green-haired man's face. He gave a quick ear-to-ear grin indicating to Zoro that nothing was wrong.

Zoro understood this and thought 'So he still isn't talking. Well, not for long that is.' before asking; "Are you sure you're OK? You looked like you were about to collapse."

Luffy just waved his hand as if to say; "I'm fine, I'm fine."

Zoro decided to leave it at that and get some sleep.

Not long after, the others had gone to sleep as well.

It was now the middle of the night, if not early morning. The guys had been woken up by heavy, rigged breathing.

"Who's making that noise?" Questioned Usopp as his sat up in his hammock, rubbing his eyes. He glanced over to Luffy who was clucking his chest with his hands, gasping for air. "Luffy?!"

At the sudden shriek, the other roommates quickly set their eyes on their captain. Usopp was already rushing over to his side as the others started to hastily follow.

Luffy's face was flushed with a deep red. Slowly creeping across his cheeks, reaching his ears.

Sanji placed his palm onto the ill looking boy's forehead. Quickly removing his hand soon afterwards, he said exactly what his actions had stated; "Oi! He's burning up!"

"Zoro!" Grabbing the man's attention, Usopp spat out the only thing he could think of in a situation like this. "Go warn Nami what's happening!" Zoro quickly nodded before rushing over to Nami's room.

Chopper had already told Sanji to get a tub of water and a rag from the kitchen. Sanji didn't hesitate as he got right to it. Usopp was helping Chopper with taking medicines' out of his medical bag.

Meanwhile, Zoro burst into Nami's room, which woke the girl up.

"Nami!" Yelled Zoro as he ran over to the bedside.

"What? What is it?" asked the woman as she rubbed her eyes.

"Luffy's come down with a fever!" he exclaimed as he started rushing back to where the others were. 'I knew something was wrong! Oh, I forgot to tell him what Nami said.' he mentally slapped himself for not being able to help his captain sooner. Nami followed him out in a hurry.

Sanji had already come back with the water and a cloth, and was now back in the kitchen getting a glass of water for Chopper, who was working hard, and Luffy.

Small beads of sweat began to stroke down Chopper's face.

"Usopp, could you help me move Luffy onto the deck? It's too hot in here and there isn't enough space to move around." explained the little reindeer as he wiped a hoof across his forehead.

"Uh, sure." answered the long-nosed boy as he reached down to pick up Luffy. But, just as he was nearing him, the raven-haired lad shot up and backed away. He had heard Chopper say to take him outside. But his 'challenge' said that he wasn't allowed to do that. He shook his head as carefully as possible to avoid making his pounding headache worse.

Just then, Zoro and Nami bolted into the quarters and saw the ill kid over the other side of the room. He was struggling to stand up straight and his eyes were half open. Sanji came in soon after and saw the same scene.

"Luffy!" shouted Chopper "Nami's already said that you don't have to do this anymore!" He had known that when Luffy shook his head it meant that he wouldn't go onto the deck. He was still following the punishment rules Nami had set in.

"That's right, Luffy!" Nami stepped forward. Luffy turned to look at her, his eyes still droopy. "You don't have to do this anymore!" The captain once again shook his head. This time, a little faster.

"Eh?" said the whole crew. 'It couldn't be...' they all thought.

"Oi, Luffy! You're still going to do this?!" Sanji pointed out what everyone was thinking. "you've already been doing this for four days! That's enough!"

Luffy's hair shadowed his eyes before he look up and gave a determined look and a small grin.

They could all tell exactly what he was saying; "I'm not giving up." After that, he collapsed.

"Quick! Place him on the couch!" Luffy could hear Chopper shout to the rest just before the darkness swallowed him.

Two-three days later Luffy was feeling great again! But he still wouldn't talk. He wasn't going to give up on his challenge. He was going to finish it!

Chapter 4! I've been posting one chapter a day now and plan to continue doing this. School starts again in three days so this MIGHT have to change. Also, sorry the chapters are so short. - Beth

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