Luffy Died of Starvation!

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Luffy Died of Starvation?!

Nami had just slammed the hatch down, leaving Luffy, mouth still tightly closed, remembering that he needed to breath.

After he had gasped for air, he sighed inwardly before falling backwards onto his back. What would he do now? This was so boring!

Well, if he was forced to stick with this, he ought to at least make it somewhat fun. 'Oh! I know!' A tempting idea sprung into the raven-haired boy's mind, clinging determinedly to the only hope of getting through the things he had been one-sidedly forced to do over the next two weeks. Though it might be able to give the kid a lot more motivation than he had beforehand, when he had first had this punishment pushed on him. 'I'll make it a challenge! ' This way, Nami would get the peace and quiet she wanted and Luffy could actually achieve something he'd never done before. This could be great fun! 'A challenge, huh?' He nodded to himself, hand on chin, other on elbow. He liked this idea.

Nami trotted over and took a seat at the kitchen table. Sanji immediately took action and started making the 'oh so beautiful' woman a hot cup of tea.

Meanwhile, figuring it was safe to come out of hiding, Usopp and Chopper slid out from behind the greens and slipped their heads around the corner, peering into the galley. From there they could see Sanji currently placing a cup of steaming tea gently in front of Nami.

"What do you want, you two?" Nami plainly asked. Her head seated upon her palm.

Usopp and Chopper each gulped before facing each other, then slowly turning to proceed to the table Nami was sat at. Once both were seated, (Usopp opposite of Nami, with Chopper to his left) Nami glared at the two, mentally telling them to spit out whatever they wanted to say. She had known that they were watching what had happened between her and Luffy. Usopp had done a pretty good job at keeping hidden, but Chopper, once again, ended up hiding the wrong way round. Leaving him in plain sight.

Usopp was the first to speak up; "D-don't you think...That was a little too much?" Trying not to make eye-contact with the orange 'beast', the liar turned his head to a lazy swordsman entering through the door.

"He's got a point," Said Zoro, with a yawn. Taking a seat at the end of the bench, he continued: "This is Luffy we're talking about."

"T-that's right!" announced Chopper, standing up where he was once seated. He avoided standing on the table so that Sanji wouldn't shout at him. He didn't like that.

Nami let out a sigh, leaning against the wall, she decided to make her side of the argument clear; "Dame*! I'm not going back on anything I've said. Besides, he probably won't even last two days! Let alone two weeks!"

"Nami-swan's always right!~" Sanji came bolting over to the table as soon as Nami had made her point.

"Swirly-brow, shut up will ya?" Even in his noodle-dance mode, Sanji heard that loud and clear.

"What was that, Lawn head?" Let the 'War of the Insults' begin!

"You heard me, dart brow!"

"Oh, you wanna go, Marimo?"



"Cheese head!"

"Shut up!" Nami swung her fists and they connected with the two's heads'. An unexpected visitor had won the war. Is this a first?

Grabbing his now throbbing head, Zoro got up and began to protest against Nami's sudden attack.

" What the hell was that for, you witch?!" Zoro wouldn't just sit around and let Nami mess with him.

"What did you say to Nami-san?!" On the other hand, Sanji wasn't going to let anyone make fun of his, once again, 'oh so beautiful' Nami-san.

Now getting annoyed with the two acting like children, the mikan-loving lady was going to put an end to their useless fighting. "You two! Shut u-!"

"GRWOOOOOOOOOLLL" A loud grumble rang across the ship, cutting Nami off from her sentence. After that; Silence.

Everyone stopped whatever they were doing and just stared at the galley's door. All knowing who the sound came from.

'Luffy...' They all thought in unison while sweat-dropping at the same time.

Meanwhile with Luffy: A little after he had come up with his motivation idea.

He was sooooooooo bored! There was nothing to do in here! He wanted to go ran about on deck with Usopp and Chopper, sneak food from the fridge, annoy Zoro; But, he was cooped up in here instead!

He shook his head trying to rid of the thoughts of going outside and doing whatever he wanted. That's right! He decided that he would stick with this for the whole two weeks. And he wasn't going to back out of it now. Never. He would show himself and his crew that even someone like him can actually be quiet and obedient sometimes. He wasn't going to fail! Never-!

"GRWOOOOOOOOOLLL" Luffy froze. Fist in air. Earlier on, he was able to hear Sanji and Zoro bickering again, but now all was silent.

'Stupid stomach' thought Luffy as he pounded on his belly. 'What if Nami heard?!'

Unfortunately for Luffy, Nami had heard. Who wouldn't have?

Nami stood up straight, hands on hips. "Haha! Even if he's hungry, he's not getting anything 'till later!" Said Nami, with a smug face.

'So cruel!' thought Usopp and Chopper simultaneously.

Sanji didn't really wont anyone on the ship to starve, since it was his job to feed people as a cook, but he wouldn't go against Nami for whatever reason. Even if it was his own captain who was the one starving.

Zoro had to feel sorry for the kid. He knows how much Luffy eats. But only one meal a day wasn't enough for the bottomless pit he has. What if he died of starvation? He didn't even want to think about it.

But what surprised the crew the most was that after the stomach rumble (Yes, the stomach rumble), not a sound was heard from Luffy. No demanding food; No rushing into the galley; No moaning; Nothing.

The crews' eyes widened as they all thought the same thing.

'Did he really...die?!'

And with that thought in mind, the whole crew ran for the door, raced down the steps and flung the small hatch to the men's quarters right open.

At the bottom lay Luffy. He was lying on his side, hands near his face with his hair shadowing his eyes...But, he wasn't moving.

"luffy!" The whole crew screamed for their young captain as they jumped down and scrambled over to him.

Chopper was the first to reach the boy. He quickly tried to find a pulse and once he had successfully found one he noticed something...

"He's..." The crew tensed up."...sleeping."

With a loud bang, the crew fell to the floor.

"What! That's it?" Usopp said with a relieved sigh. "I nearly had a heart attack!"

"Me too." Said by both Sanji and Zoro.

Just then Luffy's stomach rumbled once more. A little quieter this last time.

Nami then decided Luffy could have his meal now and Sanji went whizzing to the kitchen.

The crew may be able to feel relieved for now, but things may get a lot worse.

Dame - Like another way of saying 'no'.

Hello, this is Beth. Hope you like this chappie~ Not sure when the next will be out but it will be soon!

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