A Woolly Heaven or Hell

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As you have probably noticed, I like to be over dramatic with the titles. You'll just have to go with it. Thx! :)

"So, let me get this straight," stated Nami. It was morning and the pirates had already finished breakfast (except Luffy, of course) and were starting to have a discussion. "First, Luffy stops speaking and coming out of the quarters. Second, we all thought he had died of starvation just to find out he was seeping." The crew all nodded as she went. "Then, he gets a fever from not getting enough energy, which Chopper had pointed out." She turned to the doctor as she spoke.

"Now, Sanji's giving him a bit more food. So that doesn't happen, again." reminded the little reindeer.

Nami nodded and continued. "Now, he...turns into a cat."

"Hmm-hmm." hummed the rest simultaneously. Their hands (Or hoof) on their chins, and other on elbows.

Silence... *Cricket noises, if you want* Until-


The others had to agree. A lot of strange things were happening to Luffy and them. But, it wasn't like that could get any worse, could it?

Down below, like usual, Luffy was lying on the floor.

'I'm hungry~' he whined in his thoughts; He usually thought this every day. 'I'm sick of being a cat!' Chopper and Usopp would normally play with him sometimes in the quarters, but Chopper was trying to make an antidote today and Usopp was making some sort of new invention he said he would show Luffy and Chopper once he had finished; Luffy was looking forward to it.

But, for now, he had nothing to do.

Well, not until he found something which struck a spark in his instincts...Wool.

And a whole bundle of it at that.

He ran.

He leaped.

He landed.

On the wool.

*A hour later*

"Oi, Chopper!" shouted a certain sharpshooter. "I've finished the invention!"

A small reindeer came trotting into the galley with stars in his eyes yelling; "Really, Usopp?! Show me, show me!"

"Of course! It's the best thing you'll ever see anyway!" boasted the long-nosed boy as he placed a hand on his chin. "But, I can't show you without Luffy-Kun being here! The great Captain Usopp-sama did promise to show him, as well!"

"Your so cool, Captain Usopp!" squealed the little doctor.

They both headed to where Luffy was. Once arriving they opened the hatch while saying, "Oi~! Luffy-kun! I've finished the invent-!" But he was cut off with the sight before him. Even Chopper was left speechless.

The whole room was completely covered with thin strings of, what seemed like, multi coloured wool.

It was hanging from the ceiling, curled around the hammocks, stuck in between the floorboards, squashed between the sofa cushions, dangling from the light, and creating a maze of what looked similar to a corridor of laser beams' that you find in spy films.

"W-what the hell is going on here!" screamed Usopp. Catching the other people currently aboard the Merry Go to turn their attention to where the liar was.

"M-my wool!" shrieked Chopper. Though he was more surprised at what he was seeing then the fact it was his wool that was everywhere. 'But... Didn't Nami borrow it?' He though with a confused look on his fragile face.

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