Chapter 6 The sucky Outdoors

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Kayleigh's POV

I woke up in a bed, but i wasn't in the girls cabin i was in Duncan's bed with him and all of the other boy campers on my team were there asleep in bed. "Duncan, wake up." I whispered into his ear. When he didn't wake up i slowly gave him a hickey just above his collar bone he groaned but he still didn't wake up so i slipped out of his hold and tip toed out of the cabin. I walked over to the communal bathrooms and showered then i dyed my hair brown and blue. I changed my outfit and then i went to work out. I went into the woods and started doing pull ups on a tree branch thats when i heard the loud speaker.

"come to the fire pit." Chris said over the loudspeaker, I rushed to the fire pit and saw Duncan talking to Owen and DJ.

"So Duncan what girl gave you that hickey?" DJ asked while pointing at the red mark just above his collar bone

Duncan looked in a puddle and saw the red mark he looked at me and mouthed "Get ready your about to have more than one of these things." Then he said to DJ "A guy doesn't kiss and tell"

"Okay man, but i'm sure shes a lucky girl, then him and Owen walked off. So i walked over and said "Do you like my hair?"

"Yes but i liked the green better since you matched me. But blue suits you." Then he leaned down and whispered in my ear "Your such a bad girl, giving me a hickey like that now its my turn." He slowly made a hickey onto my neck and i didn't object since i at least could cover mine. He finished and i let my hair down and covered it up. then we walked out of the woods me first then him a couple minutes later.

Chris then started talking about the challenge "All you have to do is spend one night in the woods at your campsite, first one back for breakfast in the morning gets invincibility, now go." He tossed a compass to Duncan and the Map to me.

I took the compass from Duncan and did a flip up onto the lowest branch before par-coring all the way to the top and spotting our campsite. i jumped down and at the last minute caught and branch and jumped to the ground. "Campsite is about two miles that way, now lets go." I said while leading my shocked teammates towards our campsite.

"Who said you were in charge?" Courtney asked snootily.

"Me since i know where camp is so lets go now." I said sternly while walking back to the front of our group. Katie and Sadie got left behind but i didn't care since they were so freaking annoying. We arrived at our campsite and I started setting up our tent and fire pit.

Once we were finished Duncan asked me "What's for supper woman?"

"Fried rat." I said with a stern look on my face but i was completely kidding i had a basket of berries and some fish to cook.

"What the actual F**K" He asked when he saw that my expression had not changed.

"Dude i'm kidding we are going to have fish" I held up a bucket of fish that i had caught in the river "And for desert berries. Sound good enough?"

"Yeah much better than fried rat. Yuck." He responded.

We all ate and then climbed into the tent to sleep. I woke up when the tent disintegrated due to Bridgette accidentally knocking a coal onto the tent.

Courtney started to scream at Bridgette but i stood up for her "Don't freak out at her it's all okay."

"No it's not things could not possibly get any worse." She screamed but then it started pouring down sheets of rain.

So DJ being the nice guy he is held up a leaf for the rest of the team to sleep under to stay dry but i climbed a tree and slept below the canopy where it was dry.


I woke everyone up including Courtney who was trying to cuddle Duncan but when he woke up he pushed her off. I packed up what was left of our stuff and then we started heading towards camp. We made it there first and i thought we had won but Chris then said "You can't win unless your whole team is here."

"Oh you mean Katie and Sadie they were eaten by bears." Courtney responded

The other team arrived and then two minutes afterwards Katie and Sadie ran into camp.


Kayleigh: we sent home Katie due to her and Sadie causing our loss if i could have voted out two people i would have voted them both out but now we have a balling Sadie to deal with ugggggg

Courtney: So i am super angry about Kayleigh and Duncan being together but she did save our butts last night even though we lost i kind of want her as an ally now.


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