Chapter 29 Riot on set

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(As i forgot to metion in the previous chapter Owen had chosen the smushed cabin and the girls got the unsmushed one but chef stomped on it to leaving them both totaled. Kayleigh was able to keep her camper from last season.)

Gwen chose







Trent chose







The challenge was to bring a load of film equipment to the top of a huge cliff. Gwen almost fell and Duncan caught her. But Trent saw this and got jealous. So he stumbled and Lindsay caught him, causing a war to be started between Gwen and Trent. Kayleigh started dragging the trailer but Owen managed to do it quicker when he thought that there was catering at the top of the hill.

Then we all had to set up a studio where we could record a movie scene. Our scene was supposed to be about a tough street guy while Trent's team was supposed to be about an old lady and her last words. Izzy was chosen to play the lady while our team kept trying to get Duncan to play the part of the tough street kid. Finally after begging him and giving him a quick peck he finally agreed to do it.

The other team was setting up and had the makeup trailer to do Izzy's make up. DJ suddenly started doing Duncan's make up and told him to and i quote 'Tilt your pretty head up' that set him off and i had to recover it.

I ended up telling him "Your not pretty okay, your hot, your smokin your sexy." Which is cheesy i know but it calmed him down.

Izzy started reading the script and i realized that Chris had mixed up the scripts. She started talking about sleeping with the fishes. Soon Chris and Chef burst out into a fit of laughter at the mixed up scenes. Then it was Duncan's turn he started reading it but it sounded so emotional at the end he let a fake tear drip down his face and everyone burst out in tears including Chef who gave us a full rating signaling that our team was the winners.

The other team voted off Izzy due to her terrible and by terrible i mean the worst thing i have ever seen in my life acting. She got into the limo and it sped off having her head stuck out of the sunroof.

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