The call

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     "Kayleigh" the guard called my name "Chris decided that he wants you on his show, so pack your bags and get ready to leave." He said while tossing me a black duffel bag.

      I picked it up and Packed all my clothes, makeup, shoes, and other items. I grabbed the bag and headed out of my cell, where all the inmates happily said goodbye since now I would no longer be there to keep them in line. I walked to the front desk where she handed me my phone and car keys.

    "Your car is out in the lot and you need to go to the docks 3 miles down the road." She said while pushing up her glasses "That's where the boat will meet you. And do not try running or not getting on the boat that will restore your sentence and add 5 years." With that she waved me off and unlocked the door so I could leave. I walked through and breathed in the fresh air.

    " I'm free and I have a chance to get $100,000" I walked over to my black mustang and started driving, enjoying the ride. As I got to the docks I saw a large yacht waiting for me. I climbed out of my car with my duffel. A guard stepped off of the boat.

    "I'm sorry kayleigh but I have to keep you in handcuffs until we reach the island." He clipped the cuffs on me and grabbed my bag. We climbed aboard and I could already feel the frown on my face from lack of freedom. This sucks

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