Chapter 15 No pain no game

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Our yacht arrived and blew the horn soon all of the guys came running to greet us. Heather and Leshawna started an argument, I didn't care though i just wanted to see Duncan. I gave him some of the chocolate covered cherry blossoms and then Chris started announcements "All teams are officially disbanded and now we have a returning camper the audience favorite."

Everyone started gasping and murmuring as Eva arrived with flames following behind.

"What, your fronting me?" Leshawna asked

"But, but that's impossible." Heather gasps.

"Aww man what is she doing here?" Trent questions.

"Great" I mumbled sarcastically.

Duncan walked over and wrapped an arm around my shoulder comfortingly. "It's okay your way tougher and stronger than her." He whispered in my ear.

"That's right by popular demand it's Eva." Chris yelled over the loud speaker.


The challenge was for immunity and for a special gift of a trailer.

The challenge started off with Duncan getting chosen to have snapping turtles slap shotted at him, one of them latched onto his special part and he finally pried it off and went back to his seat next to Kayleigh. He had completed the challenge and stayed until the next round. Next up was Lindsay with a marshmallow wax. She did it with out complaint and Chris let her pick the next camper to be challenged. Eva grabbed her hair and whispered to her who to choose.

"I choose Kayleigh with shark tank without cage, and Bridgette in a barrel of leeches because they are both backstabbing, traitors who voted off their strongest teammate. GRRRR" Lindsay said to Chris while quoting Eva.

Kayleigh made it through the ten seconds of shark tank by punching the shark and then climbing out which kept her in the game. Geoff did the challenge of leech bucket to protect Bridgette, but he didn't make it and had to get locked up in the stock hold. Signaling that he was out of the game.

Next Owen had to wear wooden pants in front of a wood pecker and he lost, Gwen had to get her nose hair plucked and she lost. DJ lost when he couldn't stand getting squeezed by a boa constrictor Duncan lost when he had to kiss chef and wouldn't do it. Lindsay chickened out of getting her hair cut. Heather chickened out when she had to shave her eye brows off. Trent lost when he was forced to break his guitar. Bridgette had to wear a bee jacket and when she completed it she chose Eva to do the big foot challenge. Eva completed it and Bridgette was knocked out of the game. The final three competitors were Kayleigh, Lashawna and Eva. Lashawna knocked Eva out when she beat the log roll challenge. Lashawna challenged Kayleigh to do the dog food challenge. Basically she had to eat a can of dog food and not throw up for ten seconds. She ate the dog food and then the timer started.

I counted the seconds as they ticked by ever so slowly on the seventh second puke started rising up my throat but i choked it back until the tenth second and then i threw up all over Chris. "That's for making me eat dog food." Then she took the key out of his hand. She grabbed her bags and moved into her new trailer all by herself.

Campfire ceremony

"Okay so first up we ran out of marshmallows" Chris said which earned a distressed cry from Owen. "second I have reviewed the confessionals and i must say that this group has the hate on. Which is awesome. While I'd normally protect your privacy in the spirit of airing your dirty laundry I'm broadcasting them live." Chris said before a screen dropped and the confessionals started playing. Duncan and Kayleigh just smirked knowing that they were safe. Her from immunity and him since he hadn't started and drama this time.


Heather: Since Kayleigh has immunity i guess i can vote for Lashawna since she is a loud mouth wanna be. But since rage o'holic Eva is back i vote for her Eva.

Duncan: I vote for Eva since she is messing with Kayleigh and i have got to put an end to that for her.

Pause confessionals

"Aww Duncan that is so sweet" Kayleigh cooed before giving him a peck

Resume confessionals

Gwen: Eva is a weirdo ... So see ya

Bridgette: Please please Eva, I'm so glad you never air these

DJ: Eva is nuts Sorry girl

Geoff: It's gotta be Eva unless i can figure out who snagged my other lucky hat.

Lindsay: I just can't get over how smooth this is (She says while rubbing her face) I vote off Ava since she is like totally scarier than Heather Lequesha and Gwenth combined but Kylea is so much scarier. I vote Ava

Eva: Unless they want to leave in body bags they better not say my name anyways i vote Heather.

Kayleigh: My vote goes to Eva sorry but you need to go since you tried to kill me byeeee

End confessionals

I smirked at Eva and waved "Bye Eva have fun on the boat of losers." Then she was dragged off and everyone went to bed in the cabins except for Kayleigh who slept great in her new fully stocked camper. Which had real food and a clean private shower. She took a hot shower and got dressed in her pjs. She the climbed out and pulled her camped next to the cabins so that Chris couldn't destroy it. Then she climbed into her private bed and slept better than she had the whole competition. We also threw Trent onto the boat for what he did to Gwen.

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